
Laravel integration for the Hellio Messaging array of services.

dev-main 2022-08-10 23:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 03:48:17 UTC



Official Laravel package that integrates with Hellio Messaging's fleets of APIs nicely with Laravel 5+ adding support for SMS, Notification, Voice SMS, OTP Codes, OTP Validation, Email Validator Service & Laravel Validator as well.


Sign up for Hellio Messaging and get the auth key from your account. You can find the client_id and application_secret from Profile Settings > API Keys & Webhooks key after signing in.


composer require helliosolutions/helliosms

Laravel < 5.5

Once the package is installed, open your app/config/app.php configuration file and locate the providers key. Add the following line to the end:


Next, locate the aliases key and add the following line:

'HellioMessaging' => \Hellio\HellioMessaging\Facades\HellioMessaging::class,


Put the credentials and preferences in ENV with the keys:


If you want to customize this, publish the default configuration which will create a config file config/helliomessaging.php.

### Configuration Structure
The configuration looks like this:

return [

     * Live API url
    'baseUrl' => 'https://api.helliomessaging.com/',

     * Client Id
    'clientId' => getenv('HELLIO_MESSAGING_CLIENT_ID'),

     * Application Secret
    'applicationSecret' => getenv('HELLIO_MESSAGING_APPLICATION_SECRET'),

     * Default Sender Id
    'defaultSender' => getenv('HELLIO_MESSAGING_DEFAULT_SENDER'),

     * Default API version

    'apiVersion' => getenv('HELLIO_MESSAGING_API_VERSION'),

     * Default username
    'username' => getenv('HELLIO_MESSAGING_USERNAME'),

     * Default password

    'password' => getenv('HELLIO_MESSAGING_PASSWORD'),


Publish Service provider:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hellio\HellioMessaging\HellioMessagingServiceProvider" --tag=helliomessaging


Open your .env file and add your api key like so:

HELLIO_MESSAGING_DEFAULT_SENDER=YourSenderName //Max of 11 characters
HELLIO_MESSAGING_API_VERSION= // From v1 to v3. Kindly check the documentation for the appropriate version you wish to use


  • Send an SMS to one or more mobile numbers.

//The first call assumes that you've already set a default sender_id in the helliomessaging.php config file.
$response = HellioMessaging::sms('233242813656', 'Hello there!');

$response = HellioMessaging::sms('233242813656', 'Hello there!', 'HellioSMS');

$response = HellioMessaging::sms(null, [
    ['mobile_number' => ['233242813656', '233591451609'], 'message' => 'Hello there!'],
    ['mobile_number' => ['233203555816'], 'message' => 'Come here!'],
], 'HellioSMS');

SMS Responses:

On Success

    "success": true,
    "message": "1 sms sent successfully"
  • Send OTP to a mobile number.

$response = HellioMessaging::otp('233242813656');

$response = HellioMessaging::otp('233242813656', 'HellioSMS', '4', '10');

$response = HellioMessaging::otp('233242813656', 'HellioSMS', '4', '10', '##OTP## is your OTP, Please dont share it with anyone.');
  • Verify OTP sent to a mobile number.

$response = HellioMessaging::verify('233242813656', 1290); // returns true or false

OTP Responses:

On Success

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "status": true,
        "token": "528830",
        "message": "OTP generated"
    "message": "2FA code sent successfully"

Does not exist

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "status": false,
        "message": "OTP does not exist"

Not Valid*

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "status": false,
        "message": "OTP is not valid"


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "status": false,
        "message": "OTP Expired"

Email Validation

  • Validate email addresses to check if they're correct and can recieve emails.

$response = HellioMessaging::emailvalidator('someemail@domain.com', 'Marketing leads');

$response = HellioMessaging::emailvalidator(['someemail@domain.com', 'support@domain.com'], 'Marketing leads'); // Validate multiple emails at once

Number Lookup Service

  • Check the status of a mobile number before sending your bulk sms campaign. This ensures you're sending messages to numbers that are active and recipients can actually recieve your messages.

$response = HellioMessaging::numberLookup('233242813656');

$response = HellioMessaging::numberLookup(['233242813656', '233591451609']); // Validate multiple mobile numbers at once

Hellio Account Balance

  • Check your Hellio Messaging account balance with ease.

$response = HellioMessaging::balance();


Include helliomessaging in your notification's channels:


 * @param  mixed  $notifiable
 * @return array
public function via($notifiable)
    return ['helliomessaging'];

Define the toHellioMessaging method:


use Hellio\HellioMessaging\Message\HellioMessagingSms;

public function toHellioMessaging()
    return (new HellioMessagingSms)
        ->message(__('This is just a test message.'))
	    ->sender_id(__('HellioSMS')) // [Optional] - Will pick default sender ID from HELLIO_MESSAGING_DEFAULT_SENDER or if not set, will use the application name.

Default routeNotificationForHellioMessaging method in your notifiable class:


public function routeNotificationForHellioMessaging($notification)
    return $this->mobile_number;

Finally, send the notification:


$notifiable = /* some class */
$notifiable->notify(new App\Notifications\HellioMessagingTestNotification());

For sending the notification to an arbitrary mobile number, use below syntax:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification

Notification::route('helliomessaging', '233242813656')
    ->notify(new App\Notifications\HellioMessagingTestNotification());

OTP Validator

You can validate sent OTPs using provided validation rule named hellio_otp as shown below:


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator

$data = ['mobile_number' => '233242813656', 'token' => '1234'];

$validator = Validator::make($data, [
    'mobile_number' => ['required', 'digits:10'],
    'token' => ['required', 'digits:4', 'hellio_otp'], // default key for source number is 'mobile_number', you can customize this using 'hellio_otp:key_name'

if ($validator->fails()) {
    // report errors


$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email support@helliomessaging.com instead of using the issue tracker.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.