
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the helium/laravel-helpers package instead.

Plugin for creating DynamoDB migrations for Laravel

dev-master 2019-09-13 15:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-04-29 16:46:49 UTC


Plugin for creating DynamoDB "migrations" for Laravel


composer require helium/laravel-dynamodb



Add the following line to your package service providers in app.php


Add the following lines to your database connections in database.php

'dynamodb' => [
    'group' => env('APP_NAME'),
    'region' => env('DYNAMO_REGION'),
    'version' => env('DYNAMO_VERSION', 'latest'),
    //'endpoint' => env('DYNAMO_HOST'),
    'credentials' => [
        'key' => env('DYNAMO_KEY'),
        'secret' => env('DYNAMO_SECRET'),

You can uncomment the endpoint key/value pair if you are using an endpoint other than the AWS default.

Optionally, set your default connection to dynamodb.


Create a migration

php artisan make:migration

Replace use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint; with use Helium\DynamoDb\Schema\Blueprint;

If you did not set dynamodb as your default connection, specify the correct connection


Supported schema functions

  • create($table, $callback) - Create new table
  • drop($table) - Drop table
  • dropIfExists($table) - Alias for drop

Supported blueprint functions

  • string($name) - Create a new attribute with type S
  • number($name) - Create a new attribute with type N
  • binary($name) - Create a new attribute with type B
  • partitionKey($name) - Set the table partition key using a previously created attribute name
  • sortKey($name) - Set the table sort key using a previously created attribute name
  • globalSecondaryIndex($name) - Create a new global secondary index
    • partitionKey($name) - Set the index partition key using a previously created attribute name
    • sortKey($name) - Set the index sort key using a previously created attribute name
  • localSecondaryIndex($name) - Create a new local secondary index
    • sortKey($name) - Set the index sort key using a previously created attribute name
    • Note that the partition key may not be set manually, and is set automatically to the table partition key in accordance with AWS specifications


public function up() {
    Schema::connection('dynamodb')->create('Account', function (Blueprint $table) {




public function down() {

Note that the table which is created will be given the format ProjectName.TableName. This is to provide some organization and to prevent duplicate tables between projects since DynamoDB does not support separate "databases" or "collections" within a single instance, as is the standard with many other database systems.