
A module for creating contao-submissions with contao-frontendedit and contao-submission.

3.8.5 2022-08-23 07:03 UTC


Submission Creator makes usage from the power of contao-submissions and contao-frontendedit. It provides a reader module, that can create custom frontend forms with possible relations to other contao entities like news.

alt Module

Module configuration example

alt Archive

Submission archive configuration example

alt Submission

Submission view example (every field of this form can be changed, of course)

alt News

News relation configuration example


  • submission form creation
  • custom field, mandatory fields, custom default values
  • store submissions in custom submission archives
  • limit submit period for submissions (on relations and module)
  • connect submissions with other contao entities (builtin: news & events)
  • async submission
  • redirect after submission

Submission relations

To provide custom submission relations with other contao entities, you have to add a custom config to $GLOBALS['SUBMISSION_RELATIONS']. The key should be named like the backend module, for example news or calendar;

Attribute Example Description
table 'tl_news' The related entity table name (required for invoking tl_submision_relation_spread fields to this datacontainer)
invokePalettes array('default' => 'addImage') Array containing the entity palette as key and the prefix invokation field as value (required for invoking tl_submision_relation_spread fields to this datacontainer)
moduleFields 'news_archives' Add these fields to tl_module submission_creator palette as additional relation fields.
submissionField 'news' The tl_submission field, where the id of the related entity should be stored in.
options_callback array('HeimrichHannot\Submissions\Creator\SubmissionCreator', 'getRelatedNews') Provide a valid options_callback that returns the options for the submissionField.
find_entity_callback array('HeimrichHannot\Submissions\Creator\SubmissionCreator', 'findRelatedNewsEntity') A valid callback that returns the entity object model.
setDefaultFromRequest true Set the submissionField from $_GET request parameter. Set to false if you don`t want this behavior.
request_parameter 'rel' Provide a custom request parameter that will be taken for setting the default relation entity from request or leave empty, than the submissionField value will taken as Request parameter ($_GET).
insertTagLink '{{news_submission_link::PAGE_ID::MODULE_ID::ENTITY_ID}}' The inserttag that will be available to link to the submission from outside. PAGE_ID, MODULE_ID, ENTITY_ID must be definied as String like provided in the Example.
useAutoItem true Set the request parameter as auto_item and generate a readable alias and append to the submission page url.
entity_tokens array('submission_form' => array('recipients' => array('news_'),'email_subject' => array('news_'),'email_text' => array('news_*'), Add your custom submission notification entity tokens.


Name Arguments Expected return value Description
options_callback \DataContainer $dc, $arrRelation $arrOptions Return the submissionField options as array for both front and back end.
find_entity_callback $varId, $arrRelation, $objModule Return the entity Model or null if not found.
addTokens_callback $objItem, $arrTokens, $arrRelation, $objNotification, $strLanguage, $objGatewayModel / Add custom notification tokens. Callback have to return $arrTokens.


Tag Arguments Example Description
news_submission_link PAGE_ID :: MODULE_ID :: NEWS_ID {{news_submission_link::55::77::308}} Return the link to a related news submission
event_submission_link PAGE_ID :: MODULE_ID :: EVENT_ID {{event_submission_link::15::55::306}} Return the link to a related event submission
news_submission_active MODULE_ID :: NEWS_ID {{news_submission_active::77::308}} Determine that the related news submission is active, within submission period.
event_submission_active MODULE_ID :: EVENT_ID {{event_submission_active::55::306}} Determine that the related event submission is active, within submission period.