
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the heimrichhannot/contao-multifileupload-bundle package instead.

Contao front end widget that provides dropzonejs.com functionality.

1.5.4 2018-05-15 13:35 UTC


Contao front end widget that provides dropzonejs.com functionality to both back and front end. The javascript is written in native javascript and invoked for both jquery and mootools on "document ready" and "ajax complete".

alt text


Technical instructions

Use the inputType "multifileupload" for your field. In the backend, the widget is replaced by a "fileTree".

'client_logo' => array(
    'label'     => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_jobmarket_job']['client_logo'],
    'exclude'   => true,
    'inputType' => TL_MODE == 'BE' ? 'fileTree' : 'multifileupload',
    'eval'      => array(
        'tl_class'      => 'clr',
        'extensions'    => \Config::get('validImageTypes'),
        'filesOnly'     => true,
        'fieldType'     => 'radio',
        'addRemoveLinks' => true,
        'minImageWidth'       => '600px',
        'minImageHeight'      => '300px',
        'maxImageWidth'       => '1600px',
        'maxImageHeight'      => '1200px',
        'multipleFiles' => false,
        'labels'        => array(
            'head' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_jobmarket_job']['client_logo']['messageText'][0],
            'body' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_jobmarket_job']['client_logo']['messageText'][1],
        'skipDeleteAfterSubmit' => true
    'upload_path_callback' => array(array('MyClass', 'getJobUploadPath')),
    'validate_upload_callback' => array(array('MyClass', 'validateUpload')),
    'sql'       => "blob NULL",

Flow chart

A flowchart with description of the full upload procedure with callback injection can be found here: Flowchart.


Defined at your field's dca.

Name Default Description
fieldType 'checkbox' If set to "checkbox", multiple files can be uploaded, for single upload set to 'radio'
extensions \Config::get('uploadTypes') A comma separated list of allowed file types (e.g. "jpg,png")
maxUploadSize minimum of $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['maxFileSize'] and php.ini 'upload_max_filesize' The desired maximum upload size measured in Bytes (e.g. "100"), KiB, MiB or GiB (e.g. "10M"). Can not exceed $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['maxFileSize'] or php upload_max_filesize value.
maxFiles 10 The maximum file count per field
uploadFolder null The upload folder as String, e.g. "files/uploads", function or array. (must be declared !!!), required to move files to correct destination after submission.
addRemoveLinks true Remove links are added to each of the file avatars in the jquery (caption can be overwritten within language files)
minImageWidth 0 The minimum image width. Set to 0 for no min width image validation. All units from \Image::getPixelValue() are supported.
minImageHeight 0 The minimum image height. Set to 0 for no min height image validation. All units from \Image::getPixelValue() are supported.
maxImageWidth 0 The maximum image width. Set to 0 for no max width image validation. All units from \Image::getPixelValue() are supported.
maxImageHeight 0 The maximum image height. Set to 0 for no max image height validation. All units from \Image::getPixelValue() are supported.
minImageWidthErrorText $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['minWidth'] Custom error message for minimum image width. (arguments provided: 1 - minimum width from config, 2 - current image width)
minImageHeightErrorText $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['minHeight'] Custom error message for minimum image height. (arguments provided: 1 - minimum height from config, 2 - current image height)
maxImageWidthErrorText $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['maxWidth'] Custom error message for maximum image width. (arguments provided: 1 - maximum width from config, 2 - current image width)
maxImageHeightErrorText $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['maxHeight'] Custom error message for maximum image height. (arguments provided: 1 - maximum height from config, 2 - current image height)
createImageThumbnails boolean(true) Set to false if you dont want to preview thumbnails.
mimeFolder system/modules/multifileupload/assets/img/mimetypes/Numix-uTouch The relative path from contao root to custom mimetype folder, mimetypes.json and images must lie inside. (example: system/modules/multifileupload/assets/img/mimetypes/Numix-uTouch)
mimeThumbnailsOnly boolean(false) Set to true if you want to show mime image thumbnails only, and no image preview at all. (performance improvement)
thumbnailWidth 90 The thumbnail width (in px) of the uploaded file preview within the dropzone preview container.
thumbnailHeight 90 The thumbnail height (in px) of the uploaded file preview within the dropzone preview container.
labels array() Overwrite the head and body labels within the upload field.
skipDeleteAfterSubmit false Prevent file removal from filesystem.

Field Callbacks

Type Arguments Expected return value Description
upload_path_callback $strTarget, \File $objFile, \DataContainer $dc $strTarget Manipulate the upload path after form submission (run within onsubmit_callback).
validate_upload_callback \File $objFile, \Widget $objWidget boolean(false) or string with frontend error message Validate the uploaded file and add an error message if file does not pass validation, otherwise boolean(false) is expected.