
This bundle adds cleaner functionality for periodically removing arbitrary entities and/or files fulfilling a certain condition in Contao (using TL_CRON or your server's cron).

3.0.1 2024-05-03 09:21 UTC


Cleaner Bundle

This bundle adds cleaner functionality for periodically removing arbitrary entities and/or files fulfilling a certain condition (using poor man's cron or your server's cron).

alt Archive

Cleaner configuration


  1. Install via composer (composer require heimrichhannot/contao-cleaner-bundle) or contao manager
  2. Update your database


Event Class Description
huh.cleaner.event.before_clean BeforeCleanEvent Run before the entity is cleaned. Use setSkipped() to skip the cleaning of the passed in entity.
huh.cleaner.event.after_clean AfterCleanEvent Run after the entity is cleaned.