
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Compile laravel blade templates and strings into markdown

v2.0.0 2019-09-24 20:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-01-25 02:02:08 UTC


Build Status

Laravel Commonmark is a wrapper for league/commonmark which allows for the parsing of regular Markdown as well as CommonMark. The CommonMark spec can be found at http://commonmark.org.

This package can parse Markdown inline or within blade templates using the .md.blade.php file extension.


I was looking for a Markdown compiler for Laravel and with being unable to find a package compatible with Laravel 5.6 (at the time). I figured I could take a crack at it. This also seemed like a good opportunity to gain some experience with open-source projects.


This package has been updated to work with Laravel 6.0, just install via composer:

$ composer require "harrk/laravel-commonmark=~v2.0"



Simply name a blade view with the .md.blade.php extension and it'll automatically parse Markdown within the view into HTML when rendered.

Any .md.blade.php files can be included into other blade files using @import as you would a regular view.

Dependency Injection

use \League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;

class MyClass {

    public function myFunction(CommonMarkConverter $converter) {
        return $converter->convertToHtml('# H1 Header');

Or if you prefer using helper functions instead:

class MyClass {

    public function myFunction() {
        return markdown_to_html('# H1 Header');

Unit Testing

To run unit tests:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


Check out graham-campbell/markdown for a package that offers far greater customisation through the use of CommonMark extensions.