
Management tool for credits-per-minute limited services

dev-master 2022-02-13 17:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-26 11:47:28 UTC


Simple library for tracking and calling credit-per-minute limited services using predis/predis


composer require harmakit/credit-manager


Inherit your class, which calls some credit-per-minute limited function, from CreditPerMinuteLimitedObject interface.

class SomeLimitedExecutor implements CreditPerMinuteLimitedObject
    private CreditManager $creditManager;

    public function __construct(CreditManager $creditManager) {
        $this->creditManager = $creditManager;
        $this->creditManager->addResource($this); // Call this to add your class object to the CreditManager's list of services

    public function __destruct()

    public function getCreditsPerMinuteLimit(): int
        return 100; // Your value of credits which are allowed to spend over 1 minute

Now you are ready to manage your calls!

public function callSomething($callCost = 25): void
    $this->creditManager->spendCredits($this, $callCost); // Call this method when you want to spend credits
    // CreditManager will wait using sleep() function to accumulate enough credits to perform required call cost if needed