
A laravel wrapper on top of Mesomb Payment API

1.8.1 2024-10-07 14:48 UTC


Laravel Wrapper on top of MeSomb Payment API


API Features and their implementations https://mesomb.hachther.com/en/api/v1.1/schema/

Feature Status Documentation
Payment Check the documentation
Transaction Status Check the documentation
Application Status Check the documentation
Deposits Check the documentation
Better Documentation


Before you start, you must register your service and MeSomb and get API Access keys. Please follow this tutorial.

Install Package

composer require hachther/laravel-mesomb

Publish Configuration Files

Setting the following parameters from MeSomb

Get the information below from MeSomb after following the above tutorial.


Publish configurations file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=mesomb-configuration

Migrate Mesomb Transaction Tables

php artisan migrate


Quick Examples

Simple Collect

// OrderController.php
use Hachther\MeSomb\Operation\Payment\Collect;

class OrderController extends Controller {

    public function confirmOrder()
        $request = new Collect('67xxxxxxx', 1000, 'MTN', 'CM');

        $payment = $request->pay();

            // Fire some event,Pay someone, Alert user
        } else {
            // fire some event, redirect to error page

        // get Transactions details $payment->transactions

Simple Deposit

// OrderController.php
use Hachther\MeSomb\Operation\Payment\Deposit;

class OrderController extends Controller {

    public function makeDeposit()
        $request = new Deposit('67xxxxxxx', 1000, 'MTN', 'CM');

        $payment = $request->pay();

            // Fire some event,Pay someone, Alert user
        } else {
            // fire some event, redirect to error page

        // get Transactions details $payment->transactions

Attaching Payments to Models Directly

// Order.php

use Hachther\MeSomb\Helper\HasPayments;

class Order extends Model
    use HasPayments;

// OrderController.php

class OrderController extends Controller {

    public function confirmOrder(){

        $order = Order::create(['amount' => 100]);

        $payment  = $order->payment('67xxxxxxx', $order->amount, 'MTN', 'CM')->pay();

            // Fire some event,Pay someone, Alert user
        } else {
            // fire some event, redirect to error page

        // View Order payments via $order->payments

        // Get payment transaction with $payment->transaction

        return $payment;

Handle multiple applications

This is how you process if you want to handle multiple MeSomb applications with the same project.

  1. Set up your configuration file with the default application and other information as specified below.
  2. Update the applicationKey (the accessKey and the secretKey if needed) on the fly as you can see below.
// OrderController.php
use Hachther\MeSomb\Operation\Payment\Collect;

class OrderController extends Controller {

    public function confirmOrder()
        $request = new Collect('67xxxxxxx', 1000, 'MTN', 'CM');

        // Update applicationKey before process the payment
        // You also have setAccessKey and setSecretKey
        $payment = $request->setApplicationKey('<applicationKey>')->pay();

            // Fire some event,Pay someone, Alert user
        } else {
            // fire some event, redirect to error page

        // get Transactions details $payment->transactions


Hachther LLC contact@hachther.com

Thank you to Malico (hi@malico.me) for starting this module.