
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0.1) of this package.

PHP class wrapper to query JCDECAUX/VLS Open Data Rest API

v1.0.1 2014-10-15 06:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 05:08:54 UTC


A standalone PHP wrapper to access all JCDecaux bike sharing sytem RealTime Data


Using composer

As you usualy do

    "require": {
        "killerwolf/jcdodatawrapper": "0.*"

Regular download

Just download the 'Wrapper' class from GitHub, load it into your app, as you usually do (regular include, or any autoload system your project use)

Example usage

    require "vendor/autoload.php"; //composer autoloading
    //instanciate with your ApiKey provided when you registred by developer.jcdecaux.com
    $VLSWrapper = new JCDodatawrapper\Vls\Wrapper( '<youApiKey>' );
    //using curl to handle the requesting thing
    //you can set your own request method by implementing the HTTPClientInterface
    $HTTPClient = new JCDodatawrapper\Vls\HTTPClientCurl();
    $VLSWrapper->setHTTPClient( $HTTPClient );

    //dumping all contracts (all cities that JCDECAUX rules on)
    var_dump( $VLSWrapper->getContracts() );
    //dumping the stations details (both static and dynamic) of a particular contract (city)
    var_dump( $VLSWrapper->getStationsByContract( 'Rouen' ) );
    //dumping a station data of a particular contract (city)
    var_dump( $VLSWrapper->getStation('Rouen', 15 ) );