
An easy way backup and restore databases in Laravel.

v1.0.0 2015-06-30 08:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 20:18:57 UTC


Fork from Cornford/Backup

  • Add Laravel 4.1 Support

Think of Backup as an easy way to backup and restore a database, with command line integration to Laravel's artisan. These include:

  • Backup::export
  • Backup::restore
  • Backup::setBackupEngineInstance
  • Backup::getBackupEngineInstance
  • Backup::setBackupFilesystemInstance
  • Backup::getBackupFilesystemInstance
  • Backup::setEnabled
  • Backup::getEnabled
  • Backup::setPath
  • Backup::getPath
  • Backup::setCompress
  • Backup::getCompress
  • Backup::setFilename
  • Backup::getFilename
  • Backup::getWorkingFilepath
  • Backup::getRestorationFiles
  • Backup::getProcessOutput


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require cornford/backup.

"require": {
	"h2akim/backup": "dev-master"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Once this operation completes, the next step is to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


The next step is to introduce the facade. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the aliases array.

'Backup'         => 'H2akim\Backup\Facades\Backup',

Finally we need to introduce the configuration files into your application.

php artisan config:publish h2akim/backup

That's it! You're all set to go.


It's really as simple as using the Backup class in any Controller / Model / File you see fit with:


This will give you access to


The export method allows a database export file to be created in the defined backup location, with an optional filename option.



The restore method allows a database export file to be restored to the database, specifying a full filepath to the file.


Set Backup Engine Instance

The setBackupEngineInstance method allows a custom backup engine instance object to be utilised, implementing the BackupEngineInterface.

Backup::setBackupEngineInstance(new BackupEngineMysql(new BackupProcess(new Symfony\Component\Process\Process), 'database', 'localhost', 3306, 'root', '', []));

Get Backup Engine Instance

The getBackupEngineInstance method returns the current backup engine instance object.


Set Backup Filesystem Instance

The setBackupFilesystemInstance method allows a custom backup filesystem instance object to be utilised, implementing the BackupFilesystemInterface.

Backup::setBackupFilesystemInstance(new BackupFilesystemInstance);

Get Backup Filesystem Instance

The getBackupFilesystemInstance method returns the current backup filesystem instance object.


Set Enabled

The setEnabled method allows backup to be switched on or off, specifying a boolean for state.


Get Enabled

The getEnabled method returns the current backup enabled status, returning a boolean for its state.


Set Path

The setPath method allows backup location path to be set, specifying a relative or absolute path as a string, a trailing slash is required.


Get Path

The getPath method returns the current absolute backup path in string format.


Set Compress

The setCompress method allows backup file compression to be switched on or off, specifying a boolean for state.


Get Compress

The getCompress method returns the current compression backup status, returning a boolean for its state.


Set Filename

The setFilename method allows backup filename to be set, specified in a string format.

Backup::setFilename('backup-' . date('Ymd-His'));

Get Filename

The getFilename method returns the current set backup filename in a string format.


Get Working Filepath

The getWorkingFilepath method returns the current set working filepath of the current item being processed in a string format.


Get Restoration Files

The getRestorationFiles method returns an array containing all of the restoration file filepaths within a give path, an optional absolute path can be set as a string.



Backup is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license