
Provides methods for inspecting nodes in HTML markup.

v0.3.0 2015-10-24 07:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:17:06 UTC


PHP >= 5.4

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The DOMInspector provides PHP methods for traversing and inspecting nodes in HTML markup.


Install using composer:

composer require gwa/dom-inspector

Example Usage

Consider the following markup in the variable $markup:

<select name="fruit" class="big">
    <option value="1">apples</option>
    <option value="2" selected>oranges</option>
    <option value="3">pears</option>
    <option value="4">kiwis</option>

In our unit tests we want to inspect the structure of the HTML.

// Create an Inspector instance, passing the markup.
$inspector = new \Gwa\DOMInspector\Inspector($markup);

The inspector represents a node that contains the nodes in the markup passed into it.

We expect there should be single child node, the select element.

// (We are using the PHPUnit test framework.)

// Test that there is one node
$this->assertEquals(1, $inspector->children()->count());
$select = $inspector->children()->get(0);

// Test the "tag name" of the first node
$this->assertEquals('select', $select->tagname());

// Test that the select has the class `big`

// Test the `name` attribute value
$this->assertEquals('fruit', $select->attr('name'));

The select element should expose four option nodes.

$this->assertTrue($select->contains(4, 'option'));
$this->assertEquals(4, $select->children()->count());


A selector is a string with one of the following formats:



Inspector / Node

find($selector) NodeList

Returns a NodeList containing all child nodes that match the selector.

children($selector = null) NodeList

Returns a NodeList containing all direct child nodes, or a single Node if an numeric index is specified, or filtered nodes if a selector string is passed.

// return NodeList containing all LIs

// return NodeList containing second LI

// return NodeList containing all LIs with class 'active'

tagname() string

Returns the tag name of the node.

id() string|null

Returns the id attribute value of the node.

attr($attr) string|null

Returns the value of an attribute of the node.

html() string

Returns the "outer" HTML value of the node.

text() string

Returns the text value of the node.

For complex text, structure (p and br) is maintained. For example with the following markup

        This is some <strong>text</strong> with <em>inline styles</em>
        and a <a href="">link</a>.<BR/>
        With a line break.
        A second paragraph.

the text method



This is some text with inline styles and a link.
With a line break.

A second paragraph.

hasClass($cssclass) boolean

Assert whether the node has the class passed as an attribute.

contains($selector) boolean

Assert whether the node has one or more direct child nodes that match the selector.

containsDeep($selector) boolean

Assert whether the node contains one or more child nodes that match the selector.

containsNum($selector) boolean

Assert whether the node has a certain number of direct child nodes that match the selector.

containsNumDeep($selector) boolean

Assert whether the node contains a certain number of child nodes that match the selector.


The NodeList is a flat list of nodes. It is iterable, so you can do this:

$blanks = [];
$links = $inspector->find('a');
foreach ($links as $link) {
    if ($link->attr('target') === '_blank') {
        $blanks[] = $link;

count() integer

Returns the number of nodes in the list.

get($index) Node

Returns the Node at the zero-based index specified.

first() Node

Returns the first Node in the list.

last() Node

Returns the last Node in the list.

filter() NodeList

Returns a new NodeList created by filtering the current list using the selector passed.


Run tests using phpunit.

$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/phpunit.xml tests