guzzlehttp/guzzle dependents (31425) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Client to make authentication with auth service

  • PHP


    API wrapper for the (online transliteration service, uzbek latin <=> uzbek cyrillic)

    Abandoned! See zvermafia/transliteration

  • PHP


    Send live notification to Slack chat based on redmine working hours.

  • zvn/tools


  • PHP


    An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay API in your PHP projects.

  • PHP


    The Account API gives sellers the ability to configure their eBay seller accounts, including the seller's policies (the Fulfillment Policy, Payment Policy, and Return Policy), opt in and out of eBay seller programs, configure sales tax tables, and get account information. For details on the availability of the methods in this API, see Account API requirements and restrictions.

  • PHP


    The Analytics API provides data and information about a seller and their eBay business. The resources and methods in this API let sellers review information on their listing performance, metrics on their customer service performance, and details on their eBay seller performance rating. The three resources in the Analytics API provide the following data and information: Customer Service Metric &ndash; Returns data on a seller's customer service performance as compared to other seller's in the same peer group. Traffic Report &ndash; Returns data that shows how buyers are engaging with a seller's listings. Seller Standards Profile &ndash; Returns data pertaining to a seller's performance rating. Sellers can use the data and information returned by the various Analytics API methods to determine where they can make improvements to increase sales and how they might improve their seller status as viewed by eBay buyers. For details on using this API, see Analyzing seller performance.

  • PHP


    Service for providing information to sellers about their listings being non-compliant, or at risk for becoming non-compliant, against eBay listing policies.

  • PHP


    The Feed API lets sellers upload input files, download reports and files including their status, filter reports using URI parameters, and retrieve customer service metrics task details.

  • PHP


    This API is used to retrieve seller payouts and monetary transaction details related to those payouts.

  • PHP


    Use the Fulfillment API to complete the process of packaging, addressing, handling, and shipping each order on behalf of the seller, in accordance with the payment method and timing specified at checkout.

  • PHP


    The Inventory API is used to create and manage inventory, and then to publish and manage this inventory on an eBay marketplace. There are also methods in this API that will convert eligible, active eBay listings into the Inventory API model.

  • PHP


    Note: This is a (Limited Release) API available only to select developers approved by business units. Enables a seller adding an ad or item on a Partner's site to automatically create an eBay listing draft using the item details from the Partner's site.

  • PHP


    Note: This is a (Limited Release) API available only to select developers approved by business units. The Logistics API resources offer the following capabilities: shipping_quote &ndash; Consolidates into a list a set of live shipping rates, or quotes, from which you can select a rate to ship a package. shipment &ndash; Creates a &quot;shipment&quot; for the selected shipping rate. Call createShippingQuote to get a list of live shipping rates. The rates returned are all valid for a specific time window and all quoted prices are at eBay-negotiated rates. Select one of the live rates and using its associated rateId, create a &quot;shipment&quot; for the package by calling createFromShippingQuote. Creating a shipment completes an agreement, and the cost of the base service and any added shipping options are summed into the returned totalShippingCost value. This action also generates a shipping label that you can use to ship the package. The total cost of the shipment is incurred when the package is shipped using the supplied shipping label. Important! Sellers must set up a payment method via their eBay account before they can use the methods in this API to create a shipment and the associated shipping label.