
A simple validation library that allows you to write custom validators for your data.

1.3.0 2023-12-06 16:33 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-06 19:15:30 UTC


A simple validation library that allows you to write custom validators for your data.

Table of Contents


PHPValidation comes with the following features:

  • Array validation through a simple and clean interface
  • Custom field validator support
  • Built-in field validators for basic use-cases
    • required field validator
    • notEmpty field validator for strings and arrays
    • isArray field validator
    • hasKeys field validator for arrays
    • hasValues field validator for arrays
    • confirmValues field validator for arrays
    • in field validator for strings, floats, integers, booleans, and arrays with the previous types inside of them
    • notIn field validator for strings, floats, integers, and booleans
    • minLength field validator for strings
    • maxLength field validator for strings
    • minCount field validator for arrays
    • maxCount field validator for arrays
    • email field validator for strings
    • phoneNumber field validator for strings
    • isAlphabetic field validator for strings
    • isNumeric field validator for strings, floats, and integers
    • isAlphaNumeric field validator for strings
    • isInt field validator for strings and integers
    • isFloat field validator for strings, floats, and integers
    • isString field validator for strings
    • isObject field validator for objects
    • equals field validator for any given data type
    • contains field validator for strings
    • greaterThan field validator for numeric strings, floats, and integers
    • greaterEqual field validator for numeric strings, floats, and integers
    • lowerThan field validator for numeric strings, floats, and integers
    • lowerEqual field validator for numeric strings, floats, and integers
    • between field validator for numeric strings, floats, and integers
    • isDate field validator for date strings and objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface
    • dateHasFormat field validator for date strings and objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface
    • dateEquals field validator for date strings and objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface
    • dateLowerThan field validator for date strings and objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface
    • dateLowerEqual field validator for date strings and objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface
    • dateGreaterThan field validator for date strings and objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface
    • dateGreaterEqual field validator for date strings and objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface
    • dateBetween field validator for date strings and objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface


$ composer require guyliangilsing/php-validation

IMPORTANT: PHPValidation requires php version 8 or higher to work properly.


Obtaining a validator

A validator can be obtained through the ValidatorBuilder class:

use PHPValidation\Builders\ValidatorBuilder;
use PHPValidation\Strategies\DefaultValidationStrategy;

$strategy = new DefaultValidationStrategy();
$builder = new ValidatorBuilder($strategy);

// Your configuration logic here...

$validator = $builder->build();

The validator builder has the following options:

use PHPValidation\Builders\ValidatorBuilder;
use PHPValidation\Strategies\DefaultValidationStrategy;
use PHPValidation\Validator;

use function PHPValidation\Functions\required;

$strategy = new DefaultValidationStrategy();
$builder = new ValidatorBuilder($strategy);

// Configures the field validators for each array field
    'field1' => [required()],

// Configures custom error messages for each array field validator
    'field1' => [
        required()->getKey() => "My custom error message...",

// Passes a new validation handler/strategy to the actual validator
$newStrategy = // Your custom strategy here...

// Registers a new validator class that will be returned when you build the validator

$validator = $builder->build();

Note: The builder already comes preconfigured with a strategy and validator class name, the example above just lists all possible configuration options.

Through a factory

A validator can also be obtained through the default factory:

namespace PHPValidation\Factories\ValidatorFactory;

$factory = new ValidatorFactory();
$validator = $factory->createDefaultValidator();

Note: Adding more methods to this default factory class is possible by inheriting it.

Configuring array field validation

Within the validation builder, an array must be set that defines how a given array should be validated. This uses the following structure:

    'fieldName' => [FieldValidatorInterface, FieldValidatorInterface, FieldValidatorInterface],
    'nestedField' => [
        'fieldName' => [FieldValidatorInterface, FieldValidatorInterface, FieldValidatorInterface],

The structure itself is quite simple. It is just an array that defines the names of the fields through keys, and the field validation through classes that implement the FieldValidatorInterface interface. Nested fields are also supported, you just have a key point to an array with the basic key => array<FieldValidatorInterface> structure, this can be done infinitely.

Configuring custom error messages

Each built-in field validator comes with their own default error messages. These messages can be overriden by providing the builder with an array that has the following structure:

    'fieldName' => [
        'fieldValidatorKey' => "Your custom error message..."
    'nestedField' => [
        'fieldName' => [
            'fieldValidatorKey' => "Your custom error message..."

This structure needs a field name key that points to an array that has the field validator key and an error message as a key => value pair. Nested fields are also supported and can be used by wrapping the structure for a singular field, inside an array that gets pointed to by a key.

Using the validator

Once you have configured the validator builder, the validator can be built by using the build() method:

use PHPValidation\Builders\ValidatorBuilder;
use PHPValidation\Strategies\DefaultValidationStrategy;

$strategy = new DefaultValidationStrategy();
$builder = new ValidatorBuilder($strategy);

// Your configuration logic here...

$validator = $builder->build();

The validator can then be used to validate an array:

use PHPValidation\Builders\ValidatorBuilder;
use PHPValidation\Strategies\DefaultValidationStrategy;

use function PHPValidation\Functions\required;

$strategy = new DefaultValidationStrategy();
$builder = new ValidatorBuilder($strategy);

    'field1' => [required()],

$validator = $builder->build();

$isValid = $validator->isValid([]); // Will return false
$errorMessages = $validator->getErrorMessages(); // Will return error messages

Creating custom field validators

Creating a custom field validator is quite easy. The only thing you have to do is implement the FieldValidatorInterface interface:


namespace PHPValidation\Fields;

final class RequiredField implements FieldValidatorInterface
    // Is used by the validation strategy and will skip this validator if it needs an existing field
    public function fieldNeedsToExist(): bool
        return false;

    // The unique key for this validator
    public function getKey(): string
        return 'required';

    // Your validation logic goes here...
    public function isValid(bool $fieldExists, mixed $fieldData, array $givenData): bool
        return $fieldExists;

    // Your default error message goes here...
    public function getErrorMessage(): string
        return 'This field is required';

It is recommended to create a simple function that wraps your custom validator. PHPValidation comes with some basic built-in validators that are being wrapped in the following way:


namespace PHPValidation\Functions;

use PHPValidation\Fields\FieldValidatorInterface;
use PHPValidation\Fields\RequiredField;

function required(): FieldValidatorInterface
    return new RequiredField();

Wrapping your custom validator with a function will prevent the following code from being written:

use PHPValidation\Builders\ValidatorBuilder;
use PHPValidation\Strategies\DefaultValidationStrategy;
use PHPValidation\Validator;

$strategy = new DefaultValidationStrategy();
$builder = new ValidatorBuilder($strategy);

    'field1' => [new RequiredField(), new CustomValidator()],

$validator = $builder->build();

And makes the final code easier to read:

use PHPValidation\Builders\ValidatorBuilder;
use PHPValidation\Strategies\DefaultValidationStrategy;
use PHPValidation\Validator;

use function PHPValidation\Functions\required;

$strategy = new DefaultValidationStrategy();
$builder = new ValidatorBuilder($strategy);

    'field1' => [required(), custom_validator()],

$validator = $builder->build();

Available field validators

PHPValidation comes with some built-in field validators that should cover basic use cases.


When added, this field key must be present in an array.

    'field' => [required()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string or array, it cannot be empty or contain only whitespace.

    'field' => [notEmpty()],


When added, and the field exists, it must be of the type array.

    'field' => [isArray()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type array, it must have all of the stated keys.

    'field' => [hasKeys('key1', 'key2', 'key3')],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type array, it must have all of the stated values.

    'field' => [hasValues(['value1', 'value2', 'value3'])],


When added, and the field exists, the field value must be equal to the value of another field. When specifying which array field value the current field must match, dot notation is used to denote the key tree: key1.nestedKey1 translates to the following php array:

    'key1' => [
        'nestedKey1' => // YOUR VALUE HERE...
    'field1' => [confirmValues('field2')], // Targets the key on the first array level
    'field2' => [confirmValues('field2.nestedField1')], // Targets the key on the second array level


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, int, float, bool, or array, it can only contain one of the stated values.

Note: When this validator has an array value passed to it, it will only validate the first level of the array.

    'field' => [in(['option1', 'option2', 'option3'])],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, int, float, or bool, it cannot contain one of the stated values.

    'field' => [notIn(['option1', 'option2', 'option3'])],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, it must have a minimum amount of characters.

    'field' => [minLength(5)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, it cannot have more than a certain amount of characters.

    'field' => [maxLength(10)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type array, it must have a minimum amount of values.

    'field' => [minCount(2)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type array, it cannot have more than a certain amount of values.

    'field' => [maxCount(4)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, it will check for an RFC 5322 compliant email address.

    'field' => [email()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, it will check for a valid international phone number.

Note: This validator does not accept phone numbers delimitted by any characters and/or whitespace.
Note: It probably will be better to create your own phone number validator since a phone number can differ greatly depending on the country/location.

    'field' => [phoneNumber()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, it will check if its value only contains normal, non-special, characters and whitespace.

    'field' => [isAlphabetic()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following types: string, float, or int, it will check if the given value is numeric.

    'field' => [isNumeric()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, it will check if the given value only contains normal, non-special, characters, numbers, and whitespace. The validator also supports whitelisting extra characters.

    'normalField' => [isAlphaNumeric()],
    'extraField' => [isAlphaNumeric(['.', ',', '\\', '[', ']'])], // Whitelists each individual character within the array


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following types: string or int, it will check if the given value can be converted to an integer, and thus is an integer.

    'field' => [isInt()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following types: string, float, or int, it will check if the given value can be converted to a float without losing any data, and thus is an float.

    'field' => [isFloat()],


When added, and the field exists, it will check if the given value is of the type string.

    'field' => [isString()],


When added, and the field exists, it will check if the given value is of the type object.

    'field' => [isObject()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type object, it will check if the given value has a desired object type.

    'field' => [objectOfType(DateTime::clas)],


When added, and the field exists, it will check if the given value matches the field value. This validator supports strict and non-strict value validation.

    'nonStrictField' => [equals('non-strict', false)],
    'strictField' => [equals('strict', true)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the type string, it will check if the given value contains a specific substring.

    'field' => [contains('substring')],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following types: string, float, or int, it will check if the given value is greater than the field value.

    'field' => [greaterThan(30)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following types: string, float, or int, it will check if the given value is greater than, or equal to, the field value.

    'field' => [greaterEqual(30)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following types: string, float, or int, it will check if the given value is lower than the field value.

    'field' => [lowerThan(30)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following types: string, float, or int, it will check if the given value is lower than, or equal to, the field value.

    'field' => [lowerEqual(30)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following types: string, float, or int, it will check if the given value is between two given values.

    'field' => [between(0, 100)],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following type string or implements the DateTimeInterface interface, it will check if the field is a date string or an object that implements the DateTimeInterface interface.

Note: This field uses php's strtotime() function to check if a string is indeed a date string.

    'field' => [isDate()],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following type string or implements the DateTimeInterface interface, it will check if the field uses a given php datetime format.

Note: It is recommended to only use this validator with date strings. Objects that implement the DateTimeInterface interface will always be valid since they are internally cast back to a string with the given format.

    'field' => [dateHasFormat('Y-m-d')],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following type string or implements the DateTimeInterface interface, it will check if the field value is equal to a pre-determined date object.

    'field' => [dateEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2000-12-31'), 'Y-m-d')],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following type string or implements the DateTimeInterface interface, it will check if the given value is lower than the field value.

    'field' => [dateLowerThan(DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2000-12-31'), 'Y-m-d')],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following type string or implements the DateTimeInterface interface, it will check if the given value is lower than, or equal to, the field value.

    'field' => [dateLowerEqual(DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2000-12-31'), 'Y-m-d')],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following type string or implements the DateTimeInterface interface, it will check if the given value is greater than the field value.

    'field' => [dateGreaterThan(DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2000-12-31'), 'Y-m-d')],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following type string or implements the DateTimeInterface interface, it will check if the given value is greater than, or equal to, the field value.

    'field' => [dateGreaterEqual(DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2000-12-31'), 'Y-m-d')],


When added, and the field exists, and the field is of the following type string or implements the DateTimeInterface interface, it will check if the given value is between two given dates.

$dateMin = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2000-12-29');
$dateMax = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2000-12-30');

    'field' => [dateBetween($dateMin, $dateMax, 'Y-m-d')],