
A lightweight and efficient PHP library for querying IP data from the IpQuery API.

v1.1.21 2025-03-10 11:01 UTC


A lightweight and efficient PHP library for querying IP data from the IpQuery API.
Easily retrieve detailed information about IP addresses, including ISP details, geolocation, and risk analysis.

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Features ✨

  • Retrieve your public IP information with ease.
  • Query detailed data for single or multiple IP addresses.
  • Parse JSON responses into strongly-typed PHP objects.
  • Simple integration using pure PHP and cURL.

Installation πŸ“¦

You can install the library using Composer:

composer require guibranco/ipquery-php

Usage πŸš€

Get your public IP data

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GuiBranco\IpQuery\IpQueryClient;

$client = new IpQueryClient();

try {
    $ipQuery = $client->getMyIpData();
    echo "My IP: {$ipQuery->ip}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "ISP: {$ipQuery->isp->org}" . PHP_EOL;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

Get data for a specific IP

$ipData = $client->getIpData('');
echo "IP: {$ipData->ip}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Location: {$ipData->location->city}, {$ipData->location->country}" . PHP_EOL;

Get data for multiple IPs

$multipleIpData = $client->getMultipleIpData(['', '']);
foreach ($multipleIpData as $ip) {
    echo "IP: {$ip->ip}, Org: {$ip->isp->org}" . PHP_EOL;

Response Mapping πŸ—ΊοΈ

The library parses JSON responses into the following class structure:


class IpQueryResponse {
    public string $ip;
    public Isp $isp;
    public Location $location;
    public Risk $risk;


class Isp {
    public string $asn;
    public string $org;
    public string $isp;


class Location {
    public string $country;
    public string $country_code;
    public string $city;
    public string $state;
    public string $zipcode;
    public float $latitude;
    public float $longitude;
    public string $timezone;
    public string $localtime;


class Risk {
    public bool $is_mobile;
    public bool $is_vpn;
    public bool $is_tor;
    public bool $is_proxy;
    public bool $is_datacenter;
    public int $risk_score;

Requirements πŸ› οΈ

  • PHP 8.2 or newer
  • cURL extension enabled

Running Tests πŸ§ͺ

This project uses PhpUnit 11 for unit tests. To run the tests, execute:


Contribution 🀝

Contributions are welcome! Please read the file for details on the process.
Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to improve the library.

License πŸ“œ

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Examples πŸ“š

Explore the examples/ directory for more code samples and ideas.