
Unofficial WHMCS PHP Api Package

v1.1.0 2016-07-01 22:59 UTC


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Unofficial WHMCS PHP API Package

This package is bring for you who use whmcs so much and yet, you need some of their API.


To install this package, a simple thing you need to do is run this command in your terminal or command line

  composer require gufy/whmcs-php:~1

Or if you already have a project and you need some package to run WHMCS API, change your composer.json and then add this line


Then run composer update in your terminal or similar to it.


Here is how you use it.

use Gufy\WhmcsPhp\Config;
use Gufy\WhmcsPhp\Whmcs;

$config = new Config([

$whmcs = new Whmcs($config);

// Get Clients
$clients = $whmcs->getclients();

// get client by id
$invoice = $whmcs->getinvoice(['invoiceid'=>1023]);

If you prefer using api keys instead of user password, change the configuration like this.


use Gufy\WhmcsPhp\Config;
use Gufy\WhmcsPhp\Whmcs;

$config = new Config([

$whmcs = new Whmcs($config);

Just call all action which is already defined at WHMCS Developer Documentation

Feedback & Contribution

Love this package? You can add some star to this package or if you have any ideas about improving this package, just fork it and make a pull request. Thank you. 👍