
A flexible retry mechanism for Laravel applications

0.1.0 2024-11-23 13:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 03:53:05 UTC


A robust and flexible retry mechanism for Laravel applications that provides a powerful way to handle transient failures. This package helps you handle temporary failures in HTTP requests, database queries, API calls, and any other potentially unstable operations.


  • Multiple Retry Strategies

    • Exponential Backoff (with optional jitter)
    • Linear Backoff
    • Fixed Delay
    • Decorrelated Jitter (AWS-style)
    • Rate Limiting
    • Circuit Breaker pattern
    • Composable strategies for complex scenarios
  • Promise-like Result Handling

    • Chain success/failure handlers
    • Handle errors gracefully
    • Access attempt history
    • Fluent interface
  • Built-in Exception Handling

    • Automatic detection of retryable errors
    • Extensible exception handler system
    • Built-in support for Guzzle exceptions
    • Custom error pattern matching
  • Comprehensive Configuration

    • Configurable retry attempts
    • Adjustable delays and timeouts
    • Progress tracking and logging
    • Custom retry conditions


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require gregpriday/laravel-retry

After installation, you can publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="retry-config"

Basic Usage

Simple Retry Operation

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Facades\Retry;

$result = Retry::run(function () {
    return Http::get('');
})->then(function ($response) {
    // Handle successful response
    return $response->json();
})->catch(function (Throwable $e) {
    // Handle complete failure after all retries
    Log::error('API call failed', ['error' => $e->getMessage()]);
    return null;

Using Dependency Injection

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Retry;

class ApiService
    public function __construct(
        private Retry $retry
    ) {}

    public function fetchData()
        return $this->retry
            ->run(fn() => Http::get(''))

Configuring Retry Behavior

    ->maxRetries(5)                    // Maximum retry attempts
    ->retryDelay(2)                    // Base delay in seconds
    ->timeout(30)                      // Timeout per attempt
    ->withProgress(function ($message) {
        Log::info($message);           // Track progress
    ->run(function () {
        return DB::table('users')->get();

Custom Retry Conditions

    ->retryIf(function (Throwable $e, array $context) {
        // Retry on rate limit errors if we have attempts remaining
        return $e instanceof RateLimitException && 
               $context['remaining_attempts'] > 0;
    ->run(function () {
        return $api->fetch();

// Or use retryUnless for inverse conditions
    ->retryUnless(function (Throwable $e, array $context) {
        // Don't retry if we've seen too many of the same error
        return $context['attempt'] >= 2;
    ->run(function () {
        return $api->fetch();

Retry Strategies

The package includes several retry strategies to handle different scenarios:

Exponential Backoff (Default)

Increases delay exponentially between retries:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Strategies\ExponentialBackoffStrategy;

$strategy = new ExponentialBackoffStrategy(
    multiplier: 2.0,    // Each delay will be 2x longer
    maxDelay: 30,       // Maximum delay in seconds
    withJitter: true    // Add randomness to prevent thundering herd

Retry::withStrategy($strategy)->run(fn() => doSomething());

Linear Backoff

Increases delay linearly between retries:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Strategies\LinearBackoffStrategy;

$strategy = new LinearBackoffStrategy(
    increment: 5,     // Add 5 seconds each retry
    maxDelay: 30      // Maximum delay in seconds

Fixed Delay

Uses the same delay between all retries:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Strategies\FixedDelayStrategy;

$strategy = new FixedDelayStrategy(
    withJitter: true,       // Add randomness
    jitterPercent: 0.2     // ±20% jitter

Decorrelated Jitter

Implements AWS's "Exponential Backoff and Jitter" algorithm:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Strategies\DecorrelatedJitterStrategy;

$strategy = new DecorrelatedJitterStrategy(
    maxDelay: 30,       // Maximum delay in seconds
    minFactor: 1.0,     // Minimum multiplier for base delay
    maxFactor: 3.0      // Maximum multiplier for base delay

Rate Limit Strategy

Implements rate limiting across multiple retry attempts:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Strategies\RateLimitStrategy;

$strategy = new RateLimitStrategy(
    innerStrategy: new ExponentialBackoffStrategy(),
    maxAttempts: 100,    // Maximum attempts per time window
    timeWindow: 60       // Time window in seconds

Circuit Breaker Strategy

Implements the Circuit Breaker pattern:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Strategies\CircuitBreakerStrategy;

$strategy = new CircuitBreakerStrategy(
    innerStrategy: new ExponentialBackoffStrategy(),
    failureThreshold: 5,    // Failures before opening circuit
    resetTimeout: 60        // Seconds before attempting reset

Combining Strategies

Strategies can be combined for complex scenarios:

$rateLimit = new RateLimitStrategy(
    new ExponentialBackoffStrategy(),
    maxAttempts: 100,
    timeWindow: 60

$circuitBreaker = new CircuitBreakerStrategy(
    failureThreshold: 5,
    resetTimeout: 60

Retry::withStrategy($circuitBreaker)->run(fn() => doSomething());

Result Handling

The package provides a promise-like interface for handling results:

$result = Retry::run(fn() => riskyOperation())
    ->then(function($value) {
        // Handle success
        return processValue($value);
    ->catch(function(Throwable $e) {
        // Handle failure
        Log::error('Operation failed', ['error' => $e]);
        return fallbackValue();
    ->finally(function() {
        // Always runs

// Access the final value (throws on error)
$value = $result->value();

// Or handle success/failure states explicitly
if ($result->succeeded()) {
    $value = $result->getResult();
} else {
    $error = $result->getError();

// Access retry history
$history = $result->getExceptionHistory();

Laravel Retry - Advanced Usage

Exception Handling System

Built-in Exception Handlers

The package includes built-in handlers for common exceptions:

  • Network timeouts
  • Connection errors
  • Rate limiting
  • Server errors
  • SSL/TLS issues
  • Temporary unavailability

Custom Exception Handlers

Create custom handlers by extending the BaseHandler class:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Exceptions\Handlers\BaseHandler;

class CustomDatabaseHandler extends BaseHandler
    protected function getHandlerPatterns(): array
        return [
            '/deadlock found/i',
            '/lock wait timeout/i',
            '/connection lost/i'

    protected function getHandlerExceptions(): array
        return [

    public function isApplicable(): bool
        return true;

Register custom handlers:

// In a service provider
use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Exceptions\ExceptionHandlerManager;

public function boot(ExceptionHandlerManager $manager)
    $manager->registerHandler(new CustomDatabaseHandler());

Exception History

Track and analyze retry attempts:

$result = Retry::run(fn() => riskyOperation());

foreach ($result->getExceptionHistory() as $entry) {
    Log::info('Retry attempt details', [
        'attempt' => $entry['attempt'],
        'exception' => $entry['exception']->getMessage(),
        'timestamp' => $entry['timestamp'],
        'was_retryable' => $entry['was_retryable']

Testing & Debugging

Testing Retry Logic

The package is designed for easy testing:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Tests\TestCase;

class MyServiceTest extends TestCase
    public function test_it_retries_failed_operations()
        $counter = 0;
        $result = $this->retry
            ->run(function() use (&$counter) {
                if ($counter < 3) {
                    throw new Exception('Temporary failure');
                return 'success';

        $this->assertEquals(3, $counter);
        $this->assertCount(2, $result->getExceptionHistory());

Debugging Tools

Monitor retry operations:

    ->withProgress(function ($message) {
        // Or send to monitoring service
            'message' => $message,
            'timestamp' => now()
    ->run(fn() => operation());

Advanced Configuration

Global Configuration

Customize default behavior in config/retry.php:

return [
    'max_retries' => env('RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS', 3),
    'delay' => env('RETRY_DELAY', 5),
    'timeout' => env('RETRY_TIMEOUT', 120),
    'handler_paths' => [

Runtime Configuration

Apply configuration per operation:

    ->withStrategy(new CustomStrategy())
    ->run(fn() => operation());

Service Container Bindings

Customize the service registration:

use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Retry;
use GregPriday\LaravelRetry\Strategies\ExponentialBackoffStrategy;

$this->app->bind(Retry::class, function ($app) {
    return new Retry(
        maxRetries: 5,
        retryDelay: 1,
        timeout: 30,
        strategy: new ExponentialBackoffStrategy(
            multiplier: 2.0,
            maxDelay: 30,
            withJitter: true

Performance Considerations

Memory Usage

The package maintains an exception history for each retry operation. For long-running processes or high-frequency retries, consider:

// Clear exception history between runs if needed
$retry = Retry::make();

foreach ($items as $item) {
    $result = $retry->run(fn() => processItem($item));
    // History is automatically reset on next run

Timeout Handling

Set appropriate timeouts to prevent long-running operations:

    ->timeout(5)  // Maximum time per attempt
    ->run(function() {
        return Http::timeout(3)->get('');

Common Patterns & Best Practices


Ensure operations are safe to retry:

Retry::run(function() {
    return DB::transaction(function() {
        // Use idempotency keys or check existence
        if (!Payment::whereReference($ref)->exists()) {
            return Payment::create([...]);

Rate Limiting

Handle API rate limits:

$strategy = new RateLimitStrategy(
    new ExponentialBackoffStrategy(),
    maxAttempts: 100,
    timeWindow: 60,
    storageKey: 'api-client'  // Separate limits per client

    ->retryIf(function($e) {
        return $e instanceof RateLimitException;
    ->run(fn() => apiCall());

Circuit Breaking

Protect downstream services:

$circuitBreaker = new CircuitBreakerStrategy(
    new ExponentialBackoffStrategy(),
    failureThreshold: 5,
    resetTimeout: 60

$retry = Retry::make()->withStrategy($circuitBreaker);

while (true) {
    try {
        $result = $retry->run(fn() => serviceCall());
        // Process result...
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // Circuit is open, wait before retrying


We welcome contributions! Please see for details.

Development Setup

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
composer install

Running Tests

composer test

Style fixing:

composer format

Submitting Changes

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

