
An objective approach to arrays

1.0.0 2015-12-02 23:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 06:37:51 UTC


An objective approach to arrays

The goal

Have you ever used some of PHP's native array_* functions? Then you know that there is some inconsistency, some of them just return new array, some modify the original one. And not even talking about parameter order and default values.

Lets take this code:

$array = [];
array_push($array, 0, 1, 2, 3);
$array = array_map(function ($item) {
	return $item * 2;
}, $array);
$array = array_filter($array);

Can you tell from first look, what the code does? Well you probably can, but the code is messy.

However what if we rewrite the code like this:

$array = ArrayClass::from([])
	->push(0, 1, 2, 3)
	->map(function ($item) {
		return $item * 2;

Looks way more better, right? And quess what, it does the same thing as example above, using same functions, but taking advantages from PHP 5's OOP; PHP 5.6's variadic arguments and other things.

One may argue that working with this class would not be the same as working with arrays, but I have solution for this too!

$array = ArrayClass::from([]);

// you can count elements natively

// iterate over elements
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
	// do stuff

// and even modify some of them!
$array[1] = 4;
$array[2] = $array[3] * isset($array[4]) ? $array[4] : 4;

So you do think it's everything I have for you? Wrong! Look at all these cool features built-in:

  • stricter code (every comparsion is done by === instead of ==, that counts also for in_array, search and keys)
  • bigger array-like support: every method that works with plain arrays can also accept ArrayClass or object implementing Traversable
  • cloning using $arrayClass->cloneArray() to return fresh clone or $arrayClass->cloneRef($original) to save original one and return clone
  • automatic callback checking, throws exception when passed callback is not callable
  • nice and easy readable API with fluent interface
  • conversion to plain array with toArray() method
  • object access ($arrayClass->foo is same as $arrayClass['foo'])
  • and much more!

So what are you waiting for?

Ah, you maybe do not know, how to initialize that thing?

Well, simply copy the ArrayClass.php file to your working directory and require it:

require_once __DIR__ . '/ArrayClass.php'; // path to the most awesome library ever

Or install it with composer (composer require greeny/array-class) and use composer autoloader:

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Then you can start enjoying it!

// import class
use greeny\ArrayClass\ArrayClass; // yes, I know, weird namespace

$array = new ArrayClass; // initializes from empty array
$array = new ArrayClass($original); // initializes from original array
$array = ArrayClass::from($original); // same as before, good for chaining methods immidiatelly, like below:

$array = ArrayClass::from($original)->filter()->shuffle(); // etc etc

Comming soon (maybe)

  • unit tests (there may (but should not) be some not yet discovered bugs)
  • any ideas? Let me know by opening an issue!

Method index

Almost all of methods provided by ArrayClass just wrap some native PHP function for working with arrays. If yes, only the name of wrapped PHP function is included, parameters are the same as for original function (except first array parameter, which is the array you are currently working with, represented by ArrayClass).

  • changeKeyCase ($case) = array_change_key_case
  • chunk ($size, $preserveKeys = FALSE) = array_chunk
  • column ($key, $indexKey = NULL) = array_column
  • countValues = array_count_values
  • diffAssoc (...$array) = array_diff_assoc
  • diffKey (...$array) = array_diff_key
  • diffUassoc ($callback, ...$array) = array_diff_uassoc
  • diff (...$array) = array_diff
  • filter ($callback = NULL, $flags = 0) = array_filter
  • flip = array_flip
  • intersectAssoc (...$array) = array_intersect_assoc
  • intersectKey (...$array) = array_intersect_key
  • intersectUassoc ($callback, ...$array) = array_intersect_uassoc
  • intersectUkey ($callback, ...$array) = array_intersect_ukey
  • intersect (...$array) = array_intersect
  • keyExists ($key) = array_key_exists
  • keys ($search = NULL, $strict = TRUE) = array_keys
  • map ($callback, ...$array) = array_map
  • mergeRecursive (...$array) = array_merge_recursive
  • merge (...$array) = array_merge
  • multisort ($order = SORT_ASC, $flags = SORT_REGULAR, ...$args) = array_multisort
  • pad ($size, $value) = array_pad
  • pop = array_pop
  • product = array_product
  • push (...$values) = array_push
  • rand ($num = 1) = array_rand
  • reduce ($callback, $initial = NULL) = array_reduce
  • replaceRecursive (...$array) = array_replace_recursive
  • replace (...$array) = array_replace
  • reverse ($preserveKeys = FALSE) = array_reverse
  • search ($needle, $strict = TRUE) = array_search
  • shift = array_shift
  • slice ($offset, $length = NULL, $preserveKeys = FALSE) = array_slice
  • splice ($offset, $length = 0, $replacement = []) = array_splice
  • sum = array_sum
  • udiffAssoc ($callable, ...$array) = array_udiff_assoc
  • udiffUassoc ($valueCallable, $keyCallable, ...$array) = array_udiff_uassoc
  • udiff ($callable, ...$array) = array_udiff
  • uintersectAssoc ($callable, ...$array) = array_uintersect_assoc
  • uintersectUassoc ($valueCallable, $keyCallable, ...$array) = array_uintersect_uassoc
  • uintersect ($callable, ...$array) = array_uintersect
  • unique ($sort = SORT_STRING) = array_unique
  • unshift (...$value) = array_unshift
  • values = array_values
  • walkRecursive ($callback, $userData = NULL) = array_walk_recursive
  • walk ($callback, $userData = NULL) = array_walk
  • arsort ($sort = SORT_REGULAR) = arsort
  • asort ($sort = SORT_REGULAR) = asort
  • current = current
  • each = each
  • end = end
  • has ($needle, $strict = TRUE) = in_array
  • key = key
  • krsort ($sort = SORT_REGULAR) = krsort
  • ksort ($sort = SORT_REGULAR) = ksort
  • natCaseSort = natcasesort
  • natSort = natsort
  • next = next
  • prev = prev
  • reset = reset
  • rsort ($sort = SORT_REGULAR) = rsort
  • shuffle = shuffle
  • sort ($sort = SORT_REGULAR) = sort
  • uasort ($callable) = uasort
  • uksort ($callable) = uksort
  • usort ($callable) = usort

Also there are some utility methods:

  • combineKeysWith ($values) - equals to calling array_combine($array, $values)
  • combineValuesWith ($keys) - equals to calling array_combine($keys, $array)
  • cloneArray - returns clone of ArrayClass
  • cloneRef (&$ref) - returns clone of ArrayClass, also sets original ArrayClass to $ref
  • toArray - converts ArrayClass to native array
  • getIndex ($index) - returns value on target index
  • setIndex ($index, $value) - sets value on target index
  • issetIndex ($index) - determines if index is set
  • unsetIndex ($index) - unsets index

And some static methods to start with:

  • ArrayClass::combine ($keys, $values) - creates new ArrayClass from result of array_combine($keys, $values)
  • ArrayClass::fillKeys ($array, $value) - creates new ArrayClass from result of array_fill_keys($array, $value)
  • ArrayClass::fill ($start, $num, $value) - creates new ArrayClass from result of array_fill($start, $num, $value)
  • ArrayClass::range ($start, $end, $step = 1) - creates new ArrayClass from result of range($start, $end, $step)