
3.0.2 2020-08-10 20:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 04:13:38 UTC


This bundle simplifies the running of common Symfony development commands using configurations for default options, and adds some other useful options and features.


Get the Composer package

For Symfony 5 and Up

Install with Composer by running composer require greenhollowtech/ght-d-tools-bundle.

For Symfony 4 and Below

Install d-tools version 2 with Composer by running composer require "greenhollowtech/ght-d-tools-bundle:2.*".

Add the GHTDevToolsBundle (if you have a Symfony 3 application)

// app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // your normal bundles ...

        if (strpos($this->getEnvironment(), 'dev') !== false) {
            $bundles = array_merge($bundles, array(
                new GHT\DevToolsBundle\GHTDevToolsBundle(),
                // other dev only bundles ...

        return $bundles;


Minimum Configuration

    bundle: ExampleBundle

All Configuration Options

    # The target bundle or directory
    bundle: ExampleBundle
    path: The bundle path when it cannot be guessed from the bundle
    translations_path: The translations path when it cannot be guessed from the path

    # The translation:update command, used by d:trans:refresh and d:trans:add
        # If set, all other locales will not auto-generate new translation units
        primary_locale: ~
        # If both types of a conversion are true, defaults to the "as_char" conversion and the "as_entity" conversion is ignored
            # Should ampersand HTML entities be converted to characters
            amp_as_char: false
            # Should bare ampersands be converted to HTML entities (ignores ampersands in HTML entities)
            amp_as_entity: false
            # Should less than / greater than HTML entities be converted to characters
            ltgt_as_char: false
            # Should less than / greater than characters be converted to HTML entities
            ltgt_as_entity: false
            # Should non-breaking space HTML entities be converted to character
            nbsp_as_char: false
            # Should non-breaking space characters be converted to HTML entities
            nbsp_as_entity: false
            # All the locales to be updated at once
            locales: [ 'en' ]
            # Override the default prefix
            prefix: '__'
            # If set, no prefix is added to the translations
            no_prefix: false
            # Override the default output format
            output_format: 'xlf'
            # Should the messages be dumped in the console or should the update be done
            mode: 'force' # or 'dump-messages'
            # Should backup be disabled
            no_backup: false
            # Should clean not found messages
            clean: false
            # Specify the domain to update
            domain: ~

    # The d:trans:add command
            # The translation domain
            domain: 'messages'
            # The translation locale
            locale: 'en'
            # The translation file format
            file_format: 'xlf'
            # Should the translation refresh be run after adding new translations
            refresh: false


Refresh Translations

Translations are sorted alphabetically, CDATA wrapping happens, and missing translations trigger prompts given the set or default prefix.

bin/console d:trans:refresh

Add Translations

Just add translation tokens. Translation text will be prompted on the next refresh.

bin/console d:trans:add -t -t trans.two

Translation text can be set simultaneously.

bin/console d:trans:add -t -t trans.two:Two\ words -t "trans.three:This works too"

If the refresh is not configured as a default, translations for multiple languages can be added before the refresh happens.

bin/console d:trans:add -t trans.hello:Hola -l es
bin/console d:trans:add -t trans.hello:Shalom -l he
bin/console d:trans:add -t trans.hello:Hello --refresh