
GrcsInternalMessages - The Internal Messages System for your Symfony 2 application

v1.0 2013-10-21 09:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 04:59:46 UTC


Inspired by FOSMessageBundle (




  1. Add InternalMessagesBundle to your vendor/ dir

Through composer:

"require": {
    "grcs/internal-messages-bundle": "dev-master"
  1. Add InternalMessagesBundle to your application kernel

    // app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles() { return array( // ... new Grcs\InternalMessagesBundle\GrcsInternalMessagesBundle(), // ... ); }

  2. Configure your project


    grcs_internal_messages: entity: message_class: 'Grcs\FrontendBundle\Entity\InternalMessages' user_class: 'Grcs\SecurityBundle\Entity\User' view: date_format: 'Y/m/d H:i' #format for createdAt DateTime truncate_len: 50 #(int|false) truncate text body in the list sort_by_created: 'desc' #(asc|desc|false) sort_by_is_read: false #(asc|desc|false) knp_pagination_enable: true #(true|false) enable knp pagination on the page knp_pagination_limit_per_page: 30 #(int|null) knp pagination limit per page templates: layout: 'GrcsInternalMessagesBundle::layout.html.twig' view: 'GrcsInternalMessagesBundle::view.html.twig' create: 'GrcsInternalMessagesBundle::create.html.twig' reply: 'GrcsInternalMessagesBundle::reply.html.twig' inbox: 'GrcsInternalMessagesBundle::inbox.html.twig' outbox: 'GrcsInternalMessagesBundle::outbox.html.twig' forms: new_message_form: factory: 'grcs.internal_messages.new_message_form.factory' type: 'grcs.internal_messages.new_message_form.type' handler: 'grcs.internal_messages.new_message_form.handler' name: 'message' reply_form: factory: 'grcs.internal_messages.reply_form.factory' type: 'grcs.internal_messages.reply_form.type' handler: 'grcs.internal_messages.reply_form.handler' name: 'reply'

  3. Change your 'user_class'

    // for example (!) src/Grcs/SecurityBundle/Entity/User.php use Grcs\InternalMessagesBundle\Model\ParticipantInterface; class User implements ParticipantInterface { // ... public function isCanSendMessageToUser(ParticipantInterface $user) { // you can set 'can send message' logic here return true; }

     public function isCanReceiveMessageFromUser(ParticipantInterface $user)
         // you can set 'can receive message' logic here
         return true;

    // ... }

  4. Create/modify your 'message_class'. You may add another fields or methods to model class.

    // src/Your/Bundle/Entity/YourMessages.php // ... use Grcs\InternalMessagesBundle\Entity\Message as BaseMessages; // ... class YourMessages extends BaseMessages { // ... and implement all parent methods // ... }


Copy Entity from vendor/grcs/internal-messages-bundle/Grcs/InternalMessagesBundle/Entity/YourMessage.php
to your Entity folder (src/Your/Bundle/Entity/YourMessages.php).
Change namespace Your\EntityNamespace\Entity and class name.
Change User targetEntity for $sender and $recipient. (Your\EntityNamespace\Entity\User)
Change Message targetEntity for $parentMessage. (Your\EntityNamespace\Entity\YourMessage)
  1. Register routing

You will probably want to include the built-in routes.


# app/config/routing.yml

    resource: '@GrcsInternalMessagesBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml'
    prefix: /optional_routing_prefix

Or if you prefer XML::

# app/config/routing.xml

<import resource="@GrcsInternalMessagesBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"/>


InternalMessagesBundle provides a few twig functions::

{# template.html.twig #}

{# Get the number of new messages for the authenticated user #}
You have {{ grcs_internal_message_unread_count() }} new messages

{# Get the number of total messages in the inbox for the authenticated user #}
You have {{ grcs_internal_message_inbox_count() }} messages it the inbox

{# Get the number of total messages in the outbox for the authenticated user #}
You have {{ grcs_internal_message_outbox_count() }} messages it the outbox

{# Get allowed actions list for the message of this authenticated user #}
{% for action, value in grcs_internal_message_allowed_actions(message) %}
    <a href="{{ path('grcs_internal_messages_' ~ action, { 'message_id' : }) }}">
        {{ action|trans() }}
{% endfor %}