
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Convert Google Shopping XML format to XMLPipe2 format

v1.1.1 2017-10-24 13:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-02-11 18:09:45 UTC


Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality


XML command line Tool


The Pipe2 is a small PHP application that must be installed once in your computer.

Installation on Linux and Mac OS X

sudo curl -LsS -o /usr/local/bin/pipe2;
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/pipe2;

Installation on Windows

c:\> php -r "readfile('');" > pipe2

Then, just run pipe2.


Convert XML file to XMLPipe2 format;

pipe2 convert data/acme.googleshopping.xml

This example uses the input sample file data/acme.googleshopping.xml

Merge XML Documents with Similar Structure Where Second Document Contains Attributes:

pipe2 merge-attributes data/acme.googleshopping.xml data/merge/attributes/secondDocument.xml --idField="g:id" --pretty=true

This example uses the input sample files data/acme.googleshopping.xml and data/merge/attributes/secondDocument.xml and creates the output sample file data/merge/attributes/output.xml

Generate Markdown Documentation from PhpUnit XML

phpdoc -d ./src/ -t ./build/ --template="xml" --cache-folder=/tmp;
pipe2 documentor build/structure.xml;


with channel name:

pipe2 convert --channel=amazon data/acme.googleshopping.xml

Generate blank document with nicely formats output with indentation:

pipe2 generate --pretty=true

Available commands

Command Description
convert Convert Xml file to XMLPipe2 format
merge-attributes Merge XML Documents with Similar Structure Where Second Document Contains Attributes
generate Generate blank Document xmlpipe2 format
list Lists commands
help Displays help for a command


Displays help for a command

pipe2 help convert;
pipe2 help generate;


This example uses the input sample file data/acme.googleshopping.xml and creates the output sample file data/acme.xmlpipe2.xml:

pipe2 convert --channel=acme data/acme.googleshopping.xml > data/acme.xmlpipe2.xml

Sphinx Search Index Example

source acmeSource
    type = xmlpipe
    xmlpipe_command = /usr/local/bin/pipe2 convert --channel=acme /tmp/data/acme.googleshopping.xml

index acmeIndex
  source = acmeSource
  path = /var/sphinx/acmeIndex
  charset_type = utf-8
  mlock           = 0
  morphology      = none
  enable_star     = 1
  min_prefix_len  = 2
  expand_keywords = 1
  min_word_len    = 2

For Sphinx Search config file example, see data/sphinx.sample.conf


  • PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 5.4 and PHP XML Lib;
  • PHP with 2GB of memory or more memory is highly recommended;


  • convert remote files
  • deal with gz compression
  • merge-elements: Merge XML Documents with Similar Structure Where Second Document Contains Additional Elements
