
The simple infrastructure component for use a Doctrine specification as query in CQRS architecture

v1.0.0 2017-06-23 11:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 02:28:48 UTC


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Doctrine Specification as query in CQRS architecture

The simple infrastructure component for use a Doctrine Specification as query in CQRS architecture.


Pretty simple with Composer, run:

composer require gpslab/specification-query


You can use Specifications as a simple query.

use GpsLab\Component\Query\Bus\HandlerLocatedQueryBus;
use GpsLab\Component\Query\Handler\Locator\DirectBindingQueryHandlerLocator;
use GpsLab\Component\Query\Specification\SpecificationQueryHandler;
use GpsLab\Component\Query\Specification\ObviousSpecificationQuery;

// register query handler in handler locator
$locator = new DirectBindingQueryHandlerLocator();
$locator->registerHandler(ObviousSpecificationQuery::class, [new SpecificationQueryHandler($em), 'handleSpecification']);

// create bus with query handler locator
$bus = new HandlerLocatedQueryBus($locator);

// specification for get contact with id = 123
$spec = Spec::eq('id', 123);

// cache the result by 1 hour
$modifier = Spec::cache(3600);

// make specification query
$query = new ObviousSpecificationQuery('AcmeDemo:Contact', $spec, $modifier);

// get contact
$contact = $query_bus->handle($query);

Custom query

You can create custom query for this case.

class ContactWithIdentityQuery implements SpecificationQuery
     * @var int
    private $id;

     * @param int $id
    public function __construct($id)
        $this->id = $id;

     * @return string
    public function entity()
        return 'AcmeDemo:Contact';

     * @return Specification
    public function spec()
        return Spec::eq('id', $this->id);

     * @return ResultModifier|null
    public function modifier()
        return Spec::cache(3600);

And use it

use GpsLab\Component\Query\Bus\HandlerLocatedQueryBus;
use GpsLab\Component\Query\Handler\Locator\DirectBindingQueryHandlerLocator;
use GpsLab\Component\Query\Specification\SpecificationQueryHandler;
use GpsLab\Component\Query\Specification\ObviousSpecificationQuery;

// register query handler in handler locator
$locator = new DirectBindingQueryHandlerLocator();
$locator->registerHandler(ContactWithIdentityQuery::class, [new SpecificationQueryHandler($em), 'handleSpecification']);

// create bus with query handler locator
$bus = new HandlerLocatedQueryBus($locator);

// make specification query
$query = new ContactWithIdentityQuery(123);

// get contact
$contact = $query_bus->handle($query);


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the file: LICENSE