
PDOBase. Wrapper for PDO

v1.2.1-stable 2019-02-09 18:02 UTC


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Wrapper for PDO


What it is?

PDOBase is a lightweight and easy-to-config wrapper for PDO. It hides most of routine under boilerplate, thus a developer can focus on what should be done instead of how it should be done.

What it is not?

PDOBase is not a query builder and doesn't include one.

Two reasons for this:

  1. Supporting every SQL feature will add complexity to existing class.
  2. Query builder, separated from specific database adaptor, becomes reusabe with another adaptors, that use SQL.


    require '../vendor/autoload.php';

    $requisites = array(
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'user' => 'root',
        'charset' => 'utf8',
        'dbname'  => 'test_base',
        'password' => ''

    $db = new \gooddaykya\components\PDOBase($requisites);

Or, by passing array from external file

    require '../vendor/autoload.php';

    $db = new \gooddaykya\components\PDOBase(require '../requisites.php');
Getting data from database
    $result = $db->execQuery('SELECT * FROM const_table')('fetchAll');
Using prepared statements
    $request = 'SELECT val, textval FROM const_base WHERE id = :id';
    $bindParams = array(
        ':id' => 1

    $result = $db->execQuery($request, $bindParams)('fetch');
ACID example
    $primeRequest = 'INSERT INTO main_table (val) VALUES (:val)';
    $dependentReq = 'INSERT INTO dep_table (id, val) VALUES (:id, :val)';

    try {
        $insertedId = $db->execQuery($primeRequest,
            array(':val' => 'Independent value')

        $result = $db->execQuery(
                ':id' => $insertedId,
                ':val' => 'Dependent value'

    } catch (\PDOException $e) {


Testing tables
id: unsigned int, not null, primary, AI val: unsigned int, not null textval: varchar(20)
1 0
2 1 one
3 1 One
4 2 Two
5 13 Trirteen
6 42 Universal answer
id: unsigned int, not null, primary, AI val: unsigned int, not null
dep_table foreign key(
id: unsigned int, not null, primary val: unsigned int, not null

ToDo List

[ ] separate current test cases into transaction and non transaction suites.

[ ] retrieve expected results directly from database.