PHP SDK for the Gonebusy REST API
We have a Sandbox environment to play with!
To point at the Sandbox, just use instead of where you see referenced, including where to create an account to retrieve your API Key.
The Sandbox environment is completely separate from the Live site - that includes meaning your Sandbox API Key will not work in the Live environment.
How to Use
Summary of Gonebusy objects
(more info on the Developer Portal):
- A User is required to perform operations.
- A Resource (WHO) performs Services and is needed for all scheduling operations.
Each User is assigned a default Resource (her/himself) automatically.
- A Service (WHAT) is performed by Resources according to a Schedule.
Services are assigned a Pricing Model.
Services can be assigned a Category as well.
- A Schedule (WHEN) defines when a Service is performed by a Resource. Pieces of a Schedule are called Time Windows.
- Finally, a Booking is placed (at a particular Time Window) in a Schedule, linking it to a Resource-Service combo.
- A Search of users and services can be performed.
If testing with Sandbox, Signup/Logon at
If using Production site, Signup/Logon at
Once logged in, navigate to the API Key page and request an API key.
In order to setup authentication and initialization of the API client, you need the following information.
Parameter |
Description |
authorization |
Set Authorization to "Token your API key" |
API client can be initialized as following.
// Configuration parameters and credentials
$authorization = "Token <your API key>"; // Set Authorization to "Token <your API key>"
$client = new GonebusyLib\GonebusyClient($authorization);
How to Build
Composer Install
> composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
- Installing apimatic/jsonmapper (v1.2.0)
Loading from cache
[ ... snip ... ]
- Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (2.9.0)
Downloading: 100%
symfony/yaml suggests installing symfony/console (For validating YAML files using the lint command)
sebastian/global-state suggests installing ext-uopz (*)
phpunit/php-code-coverage suggests installing ext-xdebug (^2.5.1)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing ext-xdebug (*)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1)
Generating autoload files
[For Windows Users Only] Configuring CURL Certificate Path in php.ini
CURL used to include a list of accepted CAs, but no longer bundles ANY CA certs. So by default it will reject all SSL certificates as unverifiable. You will have to get your CA's cert and point curl at it. The steps are as follows:
- Download the certificate bundle (.pem file) from on to your system.
- Add curl.cainfo = "PATH_TO/cacert.pem" to your php.ini file located in your php installation. “PATH_TO” must be an absolute path containing the .pem file.
; A default value for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option. This is required to be an
; absolute path.
;curl.cainfo =
How to Test
Unit tests in this SDK can be run using PHPUnit. The test cases are located in the test/Controllers/ dir.
- Make sure you've installed the dependencies using composer including the
- Run
from command line to execute the test suite.
See for info on test output format as well as more command-line options.
- Optionally, to check the code standards you may run
(See phpcs.xml
). (No output means no problems.)
Class Reference
List of Controllers
Get singleton instance
The singleton instance of the BookingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
$bookings = $client->getBookings();
Return list of Bookings.
function getBookings(
$page = 1,
$perPage = 10,
$states = null,
$userId = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
page |
Optional DefaultValue |
Page offset to fetch. |
perPage |
Optional DefaultValue |
Number of results to return per page. |
states |
Optional |
Comma-separated list of Booking states to retrieve only Bookings in those states. Leave blank to retrieve all Bookings. |
userId |
Optional |
Retrieve Bookings for Resources/Services owned by this User Id. You must be authorized to manage this User Id. |
bookerId |
Optional |
Retrieve Bookings made by Booker Id. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$page = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$states = 'states';
$userId = 131;
$result = $bookings->getBookings($authorization, $page, $perPage, $states, $userId);
Error Code |
Error Description |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Create a Booking with params
function createBooking(
$createBookingBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
createBookingBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$createBookingBody = new CreateBookingBody();
$result = $bookings->createBooking($authorization, $createBookingBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return a Booking by id.
function getBookingById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $bookings->getBookingById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Update a Booking by id
function updateBookingById(
$updateBookingByIdBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateBookingByIdBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$updateBookingByIdBody = new UpdateBookingByIdBody();
$result = $bookings->updateBookingById($authorization, $id, $updateBookingByIdBody);
#### Errors
| Error Code | Error Description |
| 400 | Bad Request |
| 401 | Unauthorized/Missing Token |
| 403 | Forbidden |
| 404 | Not Found |
| 422 | Unprocessable Entity |
| 0 | Unexpected error |
#### <a name="cancel_booking_by_id"></a> cancelBookingById
> Cancel a Booking by id
function cancelBookingById(
$cancelRecurring = null,
$date = null,
$endDate = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
cancelRecurring |
Optional |
When a recurring booking, one of: ['instance', 'all', 'infinite'] |
date |
Optional |
If a recurring booking, the date of an instance to cancel. Several formats are supported: '2014-10-31', 'October 31, 2014' |
endDate |
Optional |
If recurring, cancel up to :end_date or leave blank for infinite booking. Several formats are supported: '2014-10-31', 'October 31, 2014'. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$cancelRecurring = 'cancel_recurring';
$date = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$endDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$result = $bookings->cancelBookingById($authorization, $id, $cancelRecurring, $date, $endDate);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Back to List of Controllers
Get singleton instance
The singleton instance of the CategoriesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
$categories = $client->getCategories();
Return list of Categories.
function getCategories(
$page = 1,
$perPage = 10,
$userId = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
page |
Optional DefaultValue |
Page offset to fetch. |
perPage |
Optional DefaultValue |
Number of results to return per page. |
userId |
Optional |
Retrieve Categories of all services provided by this User Id. You must be authorized to manage this User Id. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$page = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$userId = 131;
$result = $categories->getCategories($authorization, $page, $perPage, $userId);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Create a Category
function createCategory(
$createCategoryBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
createCategoryBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$createCategoryBody = new CreateCategoryBody();
$result = $categories->createCategory($authorization, $createCategoryBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return a Category by id.
function getCategoryById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $categories->getCategoryById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Back to List of Controllers
Get singleton instance
The singleton instance of the PricingModelsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
$pricingModels = $client->getPricingModels();
Return list of PricingModels.
function getPricingModels(
$page = 1,
$perPage = 10,
$userId = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
page |
Optional DefaultValue |
Page offset to fetch. |
perPage |
Optional DefaultValue |
Number of results to return per page. |
userId |
Optional |
Retrieve PricingModels owned only by this User Id. You must be authorized to manage this User Id. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$page = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$userId = 131;
$result = $pricingModels->getPricingModels($authorization, $page, $perPage, $userId);
Error Code |
Error Description |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Create a PricingModel with params
function createPricingModel(
$createPricingModelBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
createPricingModelBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$createPricingModelBody = new CreatePricingModelBody();
$result = $pricingModels->createPricingModel($authorization, $createPricingModelBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return a PricingModel by id.
function getPricingModelById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $pricingModels->getPricingModelById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Update a PricingModel by id, with params
function updatePricingModelById(
$updatePricingModelByIdBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updatePricingModelByIdBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$updatePricingModelByIdBody = new UpdatePricingModelByIdBody();
$result = $pricingModels->updatePricingModelById($authorization, $id, $updatePricingModelByIdBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Back to List of Controllers
Get singleton instance
The singleton instance of the ResourcesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
$resources = $client->getResources();
Return list of Resources.
function getResources(
$page = 1,
$perPage = 10,
$userId = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
page |
Optional DefaultValue |
Page offset to fetch. |
perPage |
Optional DefaultValue |
Number of results to return per page. |
userId |
Optional |
Retrieve Resources owned only by this User Id. You must be authorized to manage this User Id. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$page = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$userId = 89;
$result = $resources->getResources($authorization, $page, $perPage, $userId);
Error Code |
Error Description |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Create a Resource with params
function createResource(
$createResourceBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
createResourceBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$createResourceBody = new CreateResourceBody();
$result = $resources->createResource($authorization, $createResourceBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return all Resource Things.
function getResourceThings(
$page = 1,
$perPage = 10)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
page |
Optional DefaultValue |
Page offset to fetch. |
perPage |
Optional DefaultValue |
Number of results to return per page. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$page = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$result = $resources->getResourceThings($authorization, $page, $perPage);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return a Resource by id.
function getResourceById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $resources->getResourceById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Update a Resource by id, with params
function updateResourceById(
$updateResourceByIdBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateResourceByIdBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$updateResourceByIdBody = new UpdateResourceByIdBody();
$result = $resources->updateResourceById($authorization, $id, $updateResourceByIdBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Delete a Resource by id
function deleteResourceById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $resources->deleteResourceById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Back to List of Controllers
Get singleton instance
The singleton instance of the SchedulesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
$schedules = $client->getSchedules();
Return all Schedules that your account has access to. Includes Schedules for your own User as well as any Users for which you are the Account Manager.
function getSchedules(
$page = 1,
$perPage = 10,
$userId = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
page |
Optional DefaultValue |
Page offset to fetch. |
perPage |
Optional DefaultValue |
Number of results to return per page. |
userId |
Optional |
Retrieve Schedules owned only by this User Id. You must be authorized to manage this User Id. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$page = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$userId = 89;
$result = $schedules->getSchedules($authorization, $page, $perPage, $userId);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Create a Schedule with params.
function createSchedule(
$createScheduleBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
createScheduleBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$createScheduleBody = new CreateScheduleBody();
$result = $schedules->createSchedule($authorization, $createScheduleBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return a Schedule by id.
function getScheduleById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $schedules->getScheduleById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
410 |
Gone |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Delete a Schedule
function deleteScheduleById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $schedules->deleteScheduleById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Add a TimeWindow to a Schedule.
function createScheduleTimeWindow(
$createScheduleTimeWindowBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createScheduleTimeWindowBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$createScheduleTimeWindowBody = new CreateScheduleTimeWindowBody();
$result = $schedules->createScheduleTimeWindow($authorization, $id, $createScheduleTimeWindowBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Update a TimeWindow for a Schedule.
function updateScheduleTimeWindowById(
$updateScheduleTimeWindowByIdBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
timeWindowId |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateScheduleTimeWindowByIdBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$timeWindowId = 'time_window_id';
$updateScheduleTimeWindowByIdBody = new UpdateScheduleTimeWindowByIdBody();
$result = $schedules->updateScheduleTimeWindowById($authorization, $id, $timeWindowId, $updateScheduleTimeWindowByIdBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Delete a TimeWindow from a Schedule
function deleteScheduleTimeWindowById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
timeWindowId |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$timeWindowId = 'time_window_id';
$result = $schedules->deleteScheduleTimeWindowById($authorization, $id, $timeWindowId);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Back to List of Controllers
Get singleton instance
The singleton instance of the SearchController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
$search = $client->getSearch();
Search for Providers and Provided Services.
function searchQuery(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
query |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$query = 'query';
$result = $search->searchQuery($authorization, $query);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Back to List of Controllers
Get singleton instance
The singleton instance of the ServicesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
$services = $client->getServices();
Return list of Services.
function getServices(
$page = 1,
$perPage = 10,
$userId = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
page |
Optional DefaultValue |
Page offset to fetch. |
perPage |
Optional DefaultValue |
Number of results to return per page. |
userId |
Optional |
Retrieve Services provided by the User specified by Id. You must be authorized to manage this User Id. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$page = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$userId = 89;
$result = $services->getServices($authorization, $page, $perPage, $userId);
Error Code |
Error Description |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Create a Service with params.
function createService(
$createServiceBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
createServiceBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$createServiceBody = new CreateServiceBody();
$result = $services->createService($authorization, $createServiceBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return available times for a Service.
function getServiceAvailableSlotsById(
$date = null,
$endDate = null,
$startDate = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
date |
Optional |
Date to check for availability. Either this field or a date range employing start_date and end_date must be supplied. If date is provided, start_date/end_date are ignored. Several formats are supported: '2014-10-31', 'October 31, 2014'. |
endDate |
Optional |
End Date of a range to check for availability. If supplied, date must not be supplied and start_date must be supplied. Several formats are supported: '2014-10-31', 'October 31, 2014'. |
startDate |
Optional |
Start Date of a range to check for availability. If supplied, date must not be supplied and end_date must be supplied. Several formats are supported: '2014-10-31', 'October 31, 2014'. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$date = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$endDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$startDate = date("D M d, Y G:i");
$result = $services->getServiceAvailableSlotsById($authorization, $id, $date, $endDate, $startDate);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return a Service by id.
function getServiceById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $services->getServiceById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Update a Service with params.
function updateServiceById(
$updateServiceByIdBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateServiceByIdBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$updateServiceByIdBody = new UpdateServiceByIdBody();
$result = $services->updateServiceById($authorization, $id, $updateServiceByIdBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Delete a Service by id
function deleteServiceById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $services->deleteServiceById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
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Get singleton instance
The singleton instance of the UsersController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
$users = $client->getUsers();
Return all Users that your account has access to. Includes your own User as well as any Users for which you are the Account Manager.
function getUsers(
$page = 1,
$perPage = 10)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
page |
Optional DefaultValue |
Page offset to fetch. |
perPage |
Optional DefaultValue |
Number of results to return per page. |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$page = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$result = $users->getUsers($authorization, $page, $perPage);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Create a User
function createUser(
$createUserBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
createUserBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$createUserBody = new CreateUserBody();
$result = $users->createUser($authorization, $createUserBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Return a User by id.
function getUserById(
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$result = $users->getUserById($authorization, $id);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Unexpected error |
Update a User by id, with params.
function updateUserById(
$updateUserByIdBody = null)
Parameter |
Tags |
Description |
authorization |
Required |
A valid API key, in the format 'Token API_KEY' |
id |
Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateUserByIdBody |
Optional |
the content of the request |
Example Usage
$authorization = 'Authorization';
$id = 'id';
$updateUserByIdBody = new UpdateUserByIdBody();
$result = $users->updateUserById($authorization, $id, $updateUserByIdBody);
Error Code |
Error Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized/Missing Token |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
0 |
Unexpected error |
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