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GoGo Empire Chat SDK for Laravel

dev-master 2019-05-24 02:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-24 13:23:00 UTC



PHP Laravel SDK to use GoGo Empire Chat


  1. composer require gogochat/laravel-sdk:dev-master
  2. At .env, add CHAT_APP_SECRET=your-app-secret-string
  3. At config/app.php, add 'chat_app_secret' => env('CHAT_APP_SECRET', null)


Assuming you have a Job model that requires chat between employer and employee for the job


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use GogoChat\Traits\HasChatRoom;
use GogoChat\Member;

class Job extends Model {
    use HasChatRoom;

    // Override this abstract method to return name of the chat room
    function getChatRoomName() {
        return "Job #{$this->id}";
    // Override this to return the members of the chat room
    function getChatRoomMembers() {
        // You can manually create the Member object
        $boss = $this->employer;
        $employer = new Member([
          'uid' => $boss->id,
          'name' => $boss->name,
          'avatar' => $boss->profile_pic,
        // Or use the trait GogoChat\Traits\IsChatMember to auto
        // extract the information.
        // $this->employee is a Model has the trait GogoChat\Traits\IsChatMember
        $employee = new Member($this->employee);
        // Can override the property if needed
        $employee->name = "The Cleaner";
        return [$employer, $employee];


use GogoChat\Traits\IsChatMember;

class Employee extends Model {
    use IsChatMember;
     * This function to tell how to convert \App\Employee 
     * into \GogoChat\Member
     * @return array
    function chatMemberOptions() {
        return [
            // Translated into $member->uid = $this->uid
            'uid'   => 'auto_id',
            // Translated into $member->name = 'Typist'
            'name'  => function() {
                return 'Typist';
            // Dynamically get the avatar image
            'avatar'=> function() {
                if ($this->img_thumbnail) {
                    return BASE_THUMBNAIL_PATH . $this->img_thumbnail;
                else if ($this->img) {
                    return BASE_IMG_PATH . $this->img;
                return null;

When you need to get the ChatRoom properties,

  $job = Job::find(1);
  $chatRoom = $job->chat_room;