
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

An active record implementation on top of the Doctrine DBAL.

0.2.2 2015-02-13 12:25 UTC


An active record implementation on top of the Doctrine DBAL.

Build Status Packagist Software License

Project goals

  • An active record implementation focusing on simplicity and ease of use.
  • Support for a large amount of database vendors by leveraging the DBAL.
  • A select-only query builder for selecting entities. Unlike the Doctrine query builder which is designed to cover a large amount of query possibilities, this builder has a small amount of methods that are safe from sql injection.


Add glynnforrest/active-doctrine to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "glynnforrest/active-doctrine": "0.2.*"


//create a Doctrine database connection to use
$config = [
    'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'user' => 'user',
    'password' => 'password',
    'dbname' => 'app',

$conn = Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($config);

// insert and update
$author = new App\Entity\Author($conn);

$author->name = 'Glynn';
$author->age = 102;

// insert

$author->age = 100;

// update

// selecting
// SELECT * FROM authors WHERE age > ?
$old_authors = Author::select($conn)
    ->where('age', '>', 100)

foreach ($old_authors as $author) {
    echo $author->name;
    // books are loaded lazily
    // SELECT * FROM books WHERE authors_id = ?
    foreach ($author->books as $book) {
        echo $book->name;
        echo $book->page_count;

// selecting with eager loading
// SELECT * FROM authors WHERE age > ?
// SELECT * FROM books WHERE id IN (?, ?, ?, ?) AND page_count > ?
$old_authors = Author::select($conn)
    ->where('age', '>', 100)
    ->with('books', function($s) {
        $s->where('page_count', '>', 100);

// deleting

There are many more features. Documentation and examples are in the docs/ folder.


As well as unit tests, there are functional tests which run against a real database connection. By default this uses an in-memory sqlite database, so will fail if the sqlite extension is not set up.

  • phpunit runs all tests.
  • phpunit --testsuite unit runs the unit tests only.
  • phpunit --testsuite functional runs the functional tests only.

Changing connection parameters

To change the database used in the functional tests, copy phpunit.xml.dist to a new file and set the db_* environment variables.

  <!-- Don't change the rest of the file -->

    <env name="db_driver" value="pdo_mysql" />
    <env name="db_user" value="root" />
    <env name="db_password" value="" />
    <env name="db_host" value="localhost" />
    <env name="db_name" value="active_doctrine_tests" />
    <env name="db_port" value="3306" />

  <!-- Or for sqlite -->
    <env name="db_driver" value="pdo_sqlite" />
    <env name="db_path" value="active_doctrine_tests.db3" />

  <!-- In memory database (the default) -->
    <env name="db_driver" value="pdo_sqlite" />
    <env name="db_memory"/>

Make sure the target database exists, then run the tests with the new configuration.

phpunit -c mysql.xml


MIT, see LICENSE for details.

Copyright 2014 Glynn Forrest