
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Installs: 24

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Stars: 1

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Open Issues: 2

Type:typo3-cms-extension 2022-05-26 13:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-05-26 13:55:24 UTC


The «site operator» is a utility extension that helps you configure and run your TYPO3 instance. It makes some tedious tasks more easy and fun.


Due to the lack of time to invest into its development and public interest, this package will no longer receive updates.


(see details and how-to further down below)

  • Distribution of common values and generating of static assets:
    • Distribute values (such as ids, colors, paths, anything really) to whatever application level they're needed, defining them in one single place only! You might need color definitions in a 'manifest.json' file, but of course the same values are needed in your (s)css as well.
    • Generate «static resources» in general, such as images or any text-based files (see above). So, it's possible to pre-render favicons, but also SVG or TypoScript files.
  • Scheduled tasks auto-setup takes pre-configured scheduler tasks and makes sure they're installed on deployment / installation.
  • Symlinker will symlinks to any files/directories as configured. Multiple source paths are possible, asking the user to choose interactively.
  • TCA Builder provides an object/chaining-based approach to creating your models' TCAs in a very comfortable, transparent and chainable way.
  • 'Site checkup' smoke-tests your sites with some easily maintainable and transparently declared configuration.
  • Dead-simple way to set up HTML email messages. Rendered via Fluid, including any assets such as images and css.
  • Automatic TypoScript template setup removes the need to create TypoScript template reords on the root pages of your sites. It automatically includes those from your site package. If you want to, it even respects the current application context.

Check out the examples in the documentation directory. These will make sense to integrators/developers immediately.


  1. Require the package composer require glowpointzero/typo3-site-operator

  2. In your AdditionalConfiguration.php, initialize your TYPO3 project instance calling \Glowpointzero\SiteOperator\ProjectInstance::initialize('my_site_package');. This

    • will be used by the TypoScript data provider hook (see further down below)
    • enables you to remove static values from your setup, by retrieving the current site package (ProjectInstance::getSitePackageKey())
  3. Whenever the 'site operator configuration' (config.json) is mentioned, it refers to a json file, which should be located under './config/typo3-site-operator/config.json'. If there is no configuration found under this path, the following paths are also checked:

    • ./config/typo3-site-operator.json
    • ./typo3-site-operator.json
    • ./web/typo3conf/typo3-site-operator.json

    (assuming the current directory is your project directory and web is your public directory)

    You will be asked if you'd like this file to be created once you run a site operator command.

    You may split up your configuration in whatever way you like and reference all the separate configuration files in the 'includes' section of the main 'config.json'.


Distribution of common values / generating static assets

  • Distribute text-based values across the whole instance into arbitrary application layers (p.e. a color value to an XML or TS constants as a parameter for PWA theming, as well as into an scss file). You could even pre-generate variants of SVGs.
  • Pre-generate static images (p.e. the favicon). See examples in in the documentation directory


  • Extend the generatedResources section in the config.json (extend constants as well, for text-based resource generation):
    "constants": {
      "foo": {
          "bar": "baz"
    "generatedResources": {
        "web/typo3conf/(...)/pregenerated-constants.typoscript": {
          "generator": "text",
          "configuration": {
            "source": "web/typo3conf/(...)/pregenerated-constants.typoscript.dist"
        "web/(...)/prerendered.png": {
          "generator": "image",
            "configuration": {
              "source": "web/(...)/source-image.jpg",
              "parameters": {
                "colorspace": "sRGB",
                "resize": "250x250"
      site.shared.barValue = [[typo3-site-operator:constants/foo/bar]]

Run ./vendor/bin/typo3cms operator:generateStaticResources to process the generatedResources configuration.

Scheduled tasks auto-setup

Define any arbitrary number of scheduled tasks that should be put in place when installing your site (requires typo3/cms-scheduler).


  • Create a simple PHP file returning an array of task objects (see example in the documentation directory).
  • Reference your file in the config.json under the scheduledTasks section:
    "scheduledTasksSourcePaths": [
  • Run ./vendor/bin/typo3cms operator:installScheduledTasks. You can do this automated (p.e. via composer), as the task-registering process will always check, if there is a task of the same class already registered and prevent duplicates.


The symlink command will take any target path from symlinks in the site operator configuration and will attempt to link it to its source. If multiple sources are defined, the user will be prompted to choose one of the sources that should be linked. Example configuration (from the 'Documentation' directory):

  "symlinks": {
    "web/typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php": {
      "source": "config/my/externalized/AdditionalConfiguration.php"
    "web/fileadmin/linked_directory_selectable_by_user": {
      "sources": [

TCA builder with speaking, chainable methods

The TCA builder provides a comfortable TCA specification experience using a simple approach, allowing chaining, using easy-to-understand language. Also, all paths to the properties' labels are automatically generated and only need to be provided in the right place.

Note that at this time, this feature is laid out to cater to the needs of new models, but not (yet) to extend existing TCA definitions.



$tca = TcaBuilder::create(
    '[optional table name override]',
    '[optional xlf path override]'
  ->addDefaultSorting('start_date_time', 'DESC')
            (your overrides here)

$myTca = $tca->toArray();
// You can still customize the TCA here, if needed
// $myTca['columns'] ....

return $myTca;
  • If not overridden in the TcaBuilder::create call, column labels will be attempted to be retrieved in EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Language/Model/MyModel.xlf:[lower camel case column name]
  • If not overridden in the TcaBuilder::create call, grouping labels (tabs and palettes) will be attempted to be retrieved in EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Language/Model/MyModel.xlf:propertyGroup.[palette or tab id]

Smoke tests

Smoke testing is done via the operator:siteCheckup command, which takes its tasks from the according configuration key ('siteCheckup') in your site operator configuration. This package has some inbuilt test classes (called "processors"):

  • HTTP response processor (check return headers and content)
  • Scheduled tasks processor (basically checks, whether cronjobs are running)
  • XML sitemap processor (resolves given sitemaps of all available sites)
  • Variable processor (simple variable matching tests to validate an instance's configuration for example).

Configuring these tests is super straight forward and even introducing your very own processor is super simple! Have a look at the existing processors and configuration.

  • Note that each criterion (p.e. {"statusCode": "404"}) must pass the test to make the whole test pass.
  • Comparison values starting with a forward slash ('/') will be treated as a regular expression pattern.


  siteCheckup: {
    "404-page returns 404 status and 'noindex, nofollow'": {
      "processor": "\\Glowpointzero\\SiteOperator\\SiteCheckup\\Processors\\HttpResponseProcessor",
      "arguments": {
        "location": "foo/bar/shouldnt-exist",
        "successCriteria": [
          {"statusCode": "404"},
          {"content": "/<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex(,nofollow)?\" \\/>/i"}

HTML & plain text emails

Set up HTML email in 3-4 lines of code. Any email sent via the regular TYPO3 FluidEmail core class will be extended so that it is super simple to embed images and CSS. The examples mentioned even show how easy it is to

Passed HTML content (setBody(...)) is automatically converted to text, reformatting commonly used HTML structures (p.e. <tr> elements become individual lines).

Two important notes:

  1. Installing this extension will extend the core's 'MailMessage' class, allowing any content to be rendered into mixed (plain text / HTML) content. If no template paths are provided, the core's default behavior is used!
  2. An initiative by Georg Ringer for a more thorough approach to provide multipart email messages is currently on its way and will - most probably - shipped with TYPO3 10 LTS (and provided for TYPO3 9 LTS as an extension): So, this feature of the site operator might become obsolete at some point. But it's not like you'd be trashing a lot of code later, if you still use it for the time being, eh?


See Fluid examples in the documentation directory for reference and available variables!

  1. Extend AdditionalConfiguration.php

    EmailMessage::addDefaultEmbeddable('logo', 'EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Public/Images/email-logo.png');

    Embeddables and CSS may optionally be limited to a specific site (on multi-site setups), using the third parameter:

    EmailMessage::addDefaultEmbeddable('logo', 'EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Public/Images/email-logo-site-x.png', 'site-foo');
    EmailMessage::setDefaultCssFilePath('EXT:.../styles-site-foo.css', 'site-foo');
  2. The embeddables and CSS are included in the Fluid templates like so:

    <style type="text/css">{css}</style>
       <img src="{embeddables.logo}" />
       <strong>{subject}</strong><br />


This package comes with a very simple setup of templates, layouts and partials that include rendering/inclusion of CSS too. It replaces the 'Default' message as well as the 'System' message templating that gets used for alerts for example. The templating may be of course be overridden. Have a look into the 'Resources/Public/'.

Overriding default

Any default settings / assets may be overridden or extended on EmailMessage instances using the API methods

  • setCssFilePath
  • addEmbeddable


// We're automatically getting an instance of 'EmailMessage'
// here, as the core's 'FluidEmail' class has been xclassed
// by our 'enableAdvancedFluidEmails' call in configuration.
$mailMessage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FluidEmail::class);

Automatic TypoScript template setup

Automatically include setup.typoscript as well as constants.typoscript of your site package, removing the need for the database TS template record. These assets are included context-dependent, allowing for different setup depending on the current environment (see below).





Assuming, we're in the application context "Development/Foo" and you've called ProjectInstance::initialize('my_site_package'); before, this will find and include the first file found in the list of these paths:

  • EXT:my_site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/
  • EXT:my_site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.development.typoscript
  • EXT:my_site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript

The constants found in the same path(s) will also be included accordingly.