
A simple way to implement Atlassian Crowd Authentication into your application.

0.9.0 2015-08-10 15:22 UTC


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A simple way to implement Atlassian Crowd Authentication into your application.

SUPPORTED VERSIONS: Atlassian Crowd 2.1 and later versions only.

Quick start

Laravel 4.2.x

In the require key of composer.json file add the following

"glokon/crowd-auth": "*"

Run the Composer update comand

$ composer update

In your config/app.php add 'GLOKON\CrowdAuth\CrowdAuthServiceProvider' to the end of the providers array

'providers' => array(


Now generate the Crowd Auth migrations (make sure you have your database configuration set up):

$ php artisan migrate --package="glokon/crowd-auth"

This will setup three tables - crowd_users, crowd_groups and crowdgroup_crowduser.

Now publish the config files for this package:

$ php artisan config:publish "glokon/crowd-auth"

Once the configuration is published go to your config/packages/glokon/crowd-auth/crowdauth.php and configure your Atlassian Crowd settings.

After you have configured your Atlassian Crowd settings you need to change the driver setting in config/auth.php to:

'driver' => 'crowd-auth',

Once all this is completed you can simply use Auth::Attempt() and it will attempt to login using your Atlassian Crowd server.