
GlobalXtreme Response Pattern

2.0.0 2024-05-11 03:50 UTC


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Install with composer

To install with Composer, simply require the latest version of this package.

composer require globalxtreme/response


  • Install custom constant error/success and helpers with command.
    php artisan globalxtreme:response-install 
  • Copy helpers file path app/Packages/Response/Status/globals.php to composer.json
        "autoload": {
            "files": [
  • You can add custom helpers function for error/success response in app/Packages/Response/Status/globals.php
    use App\Packages\Response\Constant\Error;
    if (!function_exists("errTestingCustom")) {
        function errTestingCustom($internalMsg = "")
            error(Error::DEFAULT, $internalMsg);
  • Using response with controller.
    use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
    use App\Models\Custom;
    use GlobalXtreme\Parser\Parser;
    use GlobalXtreme\Response\Response;
    use GlobalXtreme\Response\Status;
    class CustomController extends Controller
        public function testing() 
            // Get more than one data
            $customs = Custom::get();
            // Display data auto call parser from Response package 
            $results = success($customs);
            // Display data using parser class
            $result = success(Parser::get($customs));
            // Get one data
            $custom = Custom::first();
            // Display data auto call parser from Response package
            $result = success($custom);
            // Display data using parser class
            $result = success(Parser::first($custom));
            // Get data with pagination
            $customs = Custom::paginate(10);
            // Display data auto call parser from Response package 
            $results = success($customs);
            // Display data using parser class and manual process pagination
            $results = success(Parser::get($customs), pagination: pagination($customs));
            // Display response using Response::class
            $status = new Status(true);
            // You can choose response type json/object
            $results = Response::json($status, $customs);
            $results = Response::object($status, $customs);