
BigQuery direver for CakePHP 3.5

0.0.6 2021-07-14 15:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 21:33:16 UTC


An BigQuery for CakePHP 3.5,3.6,3.7

Installing via composer

Install composer and run:

composer require giginc/cakephp3-driver-bigquery

Defining a connection

Now, you need to set the connection in your config/app.php file:

 'Datasources' => [
    'bigquery' => [
        'className' => 'Giginc\BigQuery\Database\Connection',
        'driver' => 'Giginc\BigQuery\Database\Driver\BigQuery',
        'projectId' => env('BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID', 'project_id'),
        'dataSet' => env('BIGQUERY_DATASET', 'dataset'),
        'keyFile' => [], // Console. Ex: json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true).
        'keyFilePath' => null, //The full path to your service account credentials .json file retrieved.
        'requestTimeout' => 0, // Defaults to 0 with REST and 60 with gRPC.
        'retries' => 3, // Number of retries for a failed request. Defaults to 3.
        'location' => 'us', // If provided, determines the default geographic location used when creating datasets and managing jobs.
        'maximumBytesBilled' => 1000000,



After that, you need to load Giginc\BigQuery\ORM\Table in your tables class:


namespace App\Model\Table;

use Giginc\BigQuery\ORM\Table;

 * ProductsTable Table
 * @uses Table
 * @package Table
class ProductsTable extends Table
    public function initialize(array $config)

                "name" => "name",
                "type" => "STRING",
                "mode" => "NULLABLE",
                "name" => "description",
                "type" => "STRING",
                "mode" => "NULLABLE",
                "name" => "count",
                "type" => "INTEGER",
                "mode" => "NULLABLE",
                "name" => "created_at",
                "type" => "DATETIME",
                "mode" => "NULLABLE",

    public static function defaultConnectionName()
        return 'bigquery';

    public function findOk($query, array $options)
        $query = $query
                'status' => 'ok',

        return $query;


namespace App\Model\Entity;

use Cake\ORM\Entity;

 * Product Entity
 * @uses Entity
 * @package Entity
class Product extends Entity
    protected $_accessible = [
        '*' => true,
        'id' => false,

    protected $_virtual = [

## Controllers

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Controller\AppController;

 * Pages Controller
 * @property \App\Model\Table\PagesTable $Pages
 * @method \App\Model\Entity\Review[]|\Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface paginate($object = null, array $settings = [])
class PagesController extends AppController
     * Index method
     * @access public
     * @return \Cake\Http\Response|void
    public function index()
        // select
        $data = $this->Products->date('2021-04-12')
                'MAX(count) AS max',
                'COUNT(*) AS count',
                'name' => 'iphone',
                'count >' => 0,
            ->order(['name' => 'DESC'])

        // insert
            'name' => 'iPhoneXR',
            'description' => 'iPhoneXR',
            'created_at' => '2021-04-21',


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