Provides the fastest lexer for PHP, tokenizing text with named regex patterns for efficient processing

0.1.3 2024-09-05 17:49 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-05 17:52:06 UTC


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Provides the fastest lexer for PHP, tokenizing text with named regex patterns for efficient processing.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ghostwriter/plex

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use Ghostwriter\Plex\Grammar;
use Ghostwriter\Plex\Token;
use Ghostwriter\Plex\Lexer;

$grammar = Grammar::new([
    'T_NUMBER' => '\d+',
    'T_DOT' => '\.'

$lexer = Lexer::new($grammar);

$expected = [
    Token::new('T_NUMBER', '1', 1, 1, []),
    Token::new('T_DOT', '.', 1, 2, []),
    Token::new('T_NUMBER', '2', 1, 3, []),
    Token::new('T_DOT', '.', 1, 4, []),
    Token::new('T_NUMBER', '3', 1, 5, []),

$content = '1.2.3';

assert($expected == iterator_to_array($lexer->lex($content)));

Named Patterns

When defining a grammar, you can reference other grammar rules by name using the (?&NAME) syntax, where NAME is the name of the grammar rule.

This allows you to create complex patterns that are easier to read and maintain.



use Ghostwriter\Plex\Grammar;
use Ghostwriter\Plex\Token;
use Ghostwriter\Plex\Lexer;

$grammar = Grammar::new([
    // References both 'T_NUM' and 'ref-str' (which references T_STR)
    'T_ID' => '(?:(?&T_NUM)|(?&ref-str))*',
    // Matches numbers
    'T_NUM' => '\d+',
    // Matches word characters
    'T_STR' => '\w+',
    // References T_STR
    'ref-str' => '(?&T_STR)',

$lexer = Lexer::new($grammar);

$expected = [
    Token::new('T_ID', '456def', 1, 6, [])

$content = '456def';

assert($expected == iterator_to_array($lexer->lex($content)));



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