
Provides a Collection implementation for PHP

2.0.0 2024-02-22 20:29 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-28 21:11:58 UTC


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Provides a Collection implementation for PHP.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ghostwriter/collection

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/** @var \Ghostwriter\Collection\Collection $collection */
$collection = Collection::new([1, 2, 3])
    ->append([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
    ->map(static fn ($v): int => $v * 10)
    ->filter(static fn ($v): bool => 0 === $v % 20);
$collection->toArray();  // [20, 40, 60, 80]
$collection->drop(1)     // [40, 60, 80]
           ->take(2)     // [40, 60]
           ->slice(1, 1) // [60]
           ->toArray();  // [60]


 * @template TValue
 * @extends IteratorAggregate<TValue>
interface CollectionInterface extends Countable, IteratorAggregate
     * @param iterable<TValue> $iterable
     * @return self<TValue>
    public function append(iterable $iterable = []): self;

     * @template TContains
     * @param Closure(TValue):bool|TContains $functionOrValue
    public function contains(mixed $functionOrValue): bool;

    public function count(): int;

     * @param int<0,max> $length
     * @throws LengthMustBePositiveIntegerException
     * @throws OffsetMustBePositiveIntegerException
     * @return self<TValue>
    public function drop(int $length): self;

     * @param Closure(TValue):void $function
    public function each(Closure $function): void;

     * @param Closure(TValue):bool $function
     * @return self<TValue>
    public function filter(Closure $function): self;

     * @param ?Closure(TValue):bool $function
     * @throws FirstValueNotFoundException If no value is found
     * @return ?TValue
    public function first(Closure $function = null): mixed;

     * @return Generator<TValue>
    public function getIterator(): Generator;

     * @param ?Closure(TValue):bool $function
     * @return null|TValue
    public function last(Closure $function = null): mixed;

     * @template TMap
     * @param Closure(TValue):TMap $function
     * @return self<TMap>
    public function map(Closure $function): self;

     * @template TAccumulator
     * @param ?TAccumulator                                  $accumulator
     * @param Closure(null|TAccumulator,TValue):TAccumulator $function
     * @return ?TAccumulator
    public function reduce(Closure $function, mixed $accumulator = null): mixed;

     * @param int<0,max> $offset
     * @param int<0,max> $length
     * @throws OffsetMustBePositiveIntegerException
     * @throws LengthMustBePositiveIntegerException
     * @return self<TValue>
    public function slice(int $offset, int $length = PHP_INT_MAX): self;

     * @param int<0,max> $length
     * @throws OffsetMustBePositiveIntegerException
     * @throws LengthMustBePositiveIntegerException
     * @return self<TValue>
    public function take(int $length): self;

     * @return array<TValue>
    public function toArray(): array;

     * @param Closure():Generator $generator
     * @return self<TValue>
    public static function from(Closure $generator): self;

     * @return self<TValue>
    public static function new(iterable $iterable = []): self;


composer test


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