
A php wrapper or connector to the Shoonya-API and websocket.

1.0.5 2023-01-07 15:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 21:09:00 UTC


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Shoonya-php (unofficial)

This php library used to connect to Finvasia Shoonya OMS.

This is a php wrapper or connector to the RestAPI and websocket of Shoonya.


to install this package please use Composer

composer require ghostjat/Shoonya-php

Shoonya-php API

public __construct()

public login(): bool to login in shoonya

public logout(): bool to logout from shoonya

public forgotPassword(string $uid, string $pan, string $dob): bool to reset the password

public getWatchListNames(): array|bool get the watchlist names

public getWatchList(string $wlname): array|bool get watchlist

public addScripWatchList(string $wlname, string|array $instrument): boolean add scrip to watchlist

public deleteScripWatchList(string $wlname, string|array $instrument): boolean delete scrip from watchlist

public searchScrip(string $searchtext, string $exchange = 'BSE'): array search for scrip

public getToken(string $tysm, string $exch = 'NFO'): string get scrip's token

public getLTP(string $tysm, string $exch = 'NFO') get ltp of scrip

public getLimits(string $prd = null, string $seg = null, string $exch = null)

public getOptionChain(string $tsym, int $strprc, int $count = 5, string $exch = 'NFO'): array get option chain

public getScripInfo(string $token, string $exch = 'BSE') get scrip info

public getQuotes(string $token, string $exchange = 'BSE'): array get running quotes of scrip

public getTimePriceSeries( string $token, string $startTime = null, string $endTime = null, string $interval = '15', string $exch = 'BSE' ) get time series based price data in minutes

public getDailyPriceSeries(string $tysm, string $startDate, string $endDate = null, string $exch = 'NSE') get eod price series data

public positionProductConversion()

public singleOrderHistory(int $orderNo) get single order history

public getOrderbook(): array get order book

public getTradebook(): array|bool get trade book

public getHoldings(string $productType = self::Delivery): array|object get portfolio holdings

public getPositions(): array|stdClass

public placeOrder( type $buy_or_sell, type $productType, type $exchange, type $tradingSymbol, type $quantity, type $discloseQty, type $priceType, int $price = 0.0, int $triggerPrice = null, type $retention = 'DAY', type $amo = 'NO', type $remarks = null, int $booklossPrice = 0.0, int $bookprofitPrice = 0.0, int $trailPrice = 0.0, ): boolean to place diffrent type of orders

public getOrderStatus(string $orderNo): boolean get the placed order status

public modifyOrder( type $orderNo, type $exchange, type $tradingSymbol, type $newquantity, type $newpriceType, type $newprice = 0.0, type $newtriggerPrice = null, type $booklossPrice = 0.0, type $bookprofitPrice = 0.0, type $trailPrice = 0.0, ): boolean to modify placed order

public cancelOrder(type $orderNo): boolean cancle placed order

public exitOrder(type $orderNo, type $productType): boolean close/exit from position

public gttOrder( string $buy_or_sell, string $productType, string $exchange, string $tradingSymbol, float $priceToCompare, int $quantity, float $price = 0, string $ai_t = self::AITG, string $retention = 'DAY', string $remarks = null, int $discloseQty = null, ): boolean set gtt or gtc order

public cancelGtt(int $alID): boolean to cancle placed gtt

public getPendingGtt() get pending gtt order details

public getEnableGtt()

public getSessionData(): array get current session tmp data

public subscribe(array|string $intst, $feedType = self::FeedTouchLine) ws related functions

public unsubscribe(array|string $intst, $feedType = self::FeedTouchLine)

public subscribeOrders()

public telegram(string $msg): bool send telegram notification


AAB PMS RLAB Live-Algo Algo-Backtesting


@author Shubham Chaudhary



@since Aug 2022

@version 1.0.1

@license MIT


Copyright (C) 2022 Shubham Chaudhary- All Rights Reserved.