PHP gettext manager


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Created by Oscar Otero (MIT License)

Gettext is a PHP (>=5.4) library to import/export/edit gettext from PO, MO, PHP, JS files, etc.


With composer (recomended):

composer require gettext/gettext

If you don't use composer in your project, you have to download and place this package in a directory of your project. You need to install also gettext/languages. Then, include the autoloaders of both projects in any place of your php code:

include_once "libs/gettext/src/autoloader.php";
include_once "libs/cldr-to-gettext-plural-rules/src/autoloader.php";

Classes and functions

This package contains the following classes:

  • Gettext\Translation - A translation definition
  • Gettext\Translations - A collection of translations
  • Gettext\Extractors\* - Import translations from various sources (po, mo, php, js, etc)
  • Gettext\Generators\* - Export translations to various formats (po, mo, php, json, etc)
  • Gettext\Translator - To use the translations in your php templates instead the gettext extension
  • Gettext\GettextTranslator - To use the gettext extension

Usage example

use Gettext\Translations;

//import from a .po file:
$translations = Translations::fromPoFile('locales/gl.po');

//edit some translations:
$translation = $translations->find(null, 'apple');

if ($translation) {

//export to a php array:

//and to a .mo file

If you want use this translations in your php templates without using the gettext extension:

use Gettext\Translator;

//Create the translator instance
$t = new Translator();

//Load your translations (exported as PhpArray):

//Use it:
echo $t->gettext('apple'); // "Mazá"

//If you want use global functions:

echo __('apple'); // "Mazá"

To use this translations with the gettext extension:

use Gettext\GettextTranslator;

//Create the translator instance
$t = new GettextTranslator();

//Set the language and load the domain
$t->loadDomain('messages', 'Locale');

//Use it:
echo $t->gettext('apple'); // "Mazá"

//Or use the gettext functions
echo gettext('apple'); // "Mazá"

//If you want use the global functions

echo __('apple'); // "Mazá"

//And use sprintf/strtr placeholders
echo __('Hello %s', 'world'); //Hello world
echo __('Hello {name}', ['{name}' => 'world']); //Hello world

The benefits of using the functions provided by this library (__() instead _() or gettext()) are:

  • You are using the same functions, no matter whether the translations are provided by gettext extension or any other method.
  • You can use variables easier because sprintf functionality is included. For example: __('Hello %s', 'world') instead sprintf(_('Hello %s'), 'world').
  • You can also use named placeholders if the second argument is an array. For example: __('Hello %name%', ['%name%' => 'world']) instead of strtr(_('Hello %name%'), ['%name%' => 'world']).


The Gettext\Translation class stores all information about a translation: the original text, the translated text, source references, comments, etc.

// __construct($context, $original, $plural)
$translation = new Gettext\Translation('comments', 'One comment', '%s comments');

$translation->setTranslation('Un comentario');
$translation->setPluralTranslation('%s comentarios');

$translation->addReference('templates/comments/comment.php', 34);
$translation->addComment('To display the amount of comments in a post');

echo $translation->getContext(); // comments
echo $translation->getOriginal(); // One comment
echo $translation->getTranslation(); // Un comentario

// etc...


The Gettext\Translations class stores a collection of translations:

$translations = new Gettext\Translations();

//You can add new translations using the array syntax
$translations[] = new Gettext\Translation('comments', 'One comment', '%s comments');

//Or using the "insert" method
$insertedTranslation = $translations->insert('comments', 'One comment', '%s comments');

//Find a specific translation
$translation = $translations->find('comments', 'One comment');

//Edit headers, domain, etc
$translations->setHeader('Last-Translator', 'Oscar Otero');


The extrators allows to fetch gettext values from any source. For example, to scan a .po file:

$translations = new Gettext\Translations();

//From a file
Gettext\Extractors\Po::fromFile('locales/en.po', $translations);

//From a string
$string = file_get_contents('locales2/en.po');
Gettext\Extractors\Po::fromString($string, $translations);

The better way to use extractors is using the magic methods of Gettext\Translations:

//Create a Translations instance using a po file
$translations = Gettext\Translations::fromPoFile('locales/en.po');

//Add more messages from other files

The available extractors are the following:


The generators export a Gettext\Translations instance to any format (po, mo, array, etc).

//Save to a file
Gettext\Generators\Po::toFile($translations, 'locales/en.po');

//Return as a string
$content = Gettext\Generators\Po::toString($translations);
file_put_contents('locales/en.po', $content);

Like extractors, the better way to use generators is using the magic methods of Gettext\Translations:

//Extract messages from a php code file
$translations = Gettext\Translations::fromPhpCodeFile('templates/index.php');

//Export to a po file

//Export to a po string
$content = $translations->toPoString();
file_put_contents('locales/en.po', $content);

The available generators are the following:


The class Gettext\Translator implements the gettext functions in php. Useful if you don't have the native gettext extension for php or want to avoid problems with it. You can load the translations from a php array file or using a Gettext\Translations instance:

use Gettext\Translator;

//Create a new instance of the translator
$t = new Translator();

//Load the translations using any of the following ways:

// 1. from php files (generated by Gettext\Extractors\PhpArray)

// 2. using the array directly
$array = include 'locales/gl.php';

// 3. using a Gettext\Translations instance (slower)
$translations = Gettext\Translations::fromPoFile('locales/gl.po');

//Now you can use it in your templates
echo $t->gettext('apple');


The class Gettext\GettextTranslator uses the gettext extension. It's useful because combines the performance of using real gettext functions but with the same API than Translator class, so you can switch to one or other translator deppending of the environment without change code of your app.

use Gettext\GettextTranslator;

//Create a new instance
$t = new GettextTranslator();

//It detects the environment variables to set the locale, but you can change it:

//Load the domains:
$t->loadDomain('messages', 'project/Locale');
//this means you have the file "project/Locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po"

//Now you can use it in your templates
echo $t->gettext('apple');

Global functions

To ease the use of translations in your php templates, you can use the provided functions:

//Register the translator to use the global functions

echo __('apple'); // it's the same than $t->gettext('apple');

You can scan the php files containing these functions and extract the values with the PhpCode extractor:

<!-- index.php -->
		<?= __('Hello world'); ?>

Merge translations

To work with different translations you may want merge them in an unique file. There are two ways to do this:

The simplest way is adding new translations:

use Gettext\Translations;

$translations = Translations::fromPoFile('my-file1.po');

A more advanced way is merge two Translations instances:

use Gettext\Translations;

//Create a new Translations instances with our translations.

$translations1 = Translations::fromPoFile('my-file1.po');
$translations2 = Translations::fromPoFile('my-file2.po');

//Merge one inside other:

//Now translations1 has all values

The second argument of mergeWith defines how the merge will be done. Use the Gettext\Merge constants to configure the merging:


use Gettext\Translations;
use Gettext\Merge;

//Scan the php code to find the latest gettext translations
$phpTranslations = Translations::fromPhpCodeFile('my-templates.php');

//Get the translations of the code that are stored in a po file
$poTranslations = Translations::fromPoFile('locale.po');

//Merge the translations from the po file using the references from `$phpTranslations`:
$translations->mergeWith($poTranslations, Merge::REFERENCES_OURS);

//Now save a po file with the result

Note, if the second argument is not defined, the default value is Merge::DEFAULTS that's equivalent to Merge::ADD | Merge::HEADERS_ADD.

Use from CLI

There's a Robo task to use this library from the command line interface:

Use in the browser

If you want to use your translations in the browser, there's a javascript translator:

Third party packages

Twig integration:

Framework integration:

add your package


Thanks to all contributors specially to @mlocati.


If this library is useful for you, consider to donate to the author.

Buy me a beer 🍺

Thanks in advance!