PHP Package for easy login to a web site with popular social networks. Now supports login with Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn.

1.2.0 2023-12-03 08:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 14:21:43 UTC


PHP Package for easy login to a web site with popular social networks.

Now supports login with Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Xing.


Using composer: gelembjuk/auth require: {"gelembjuk/auth": "*"}


You need to get API keys for each of social networks.

Details on how to register application and get keys for each social network.

Twitter Register your application there . Copy Consumer Key and Secret Key in your application settings.

LinkedIn Go to, Then "My Apps". Create new App. Copy API Key and Secret. You need to set Authorized Redirect URLs. It will be an url to your "Login complete script".

Facebook Go to "Add new App" as Web-Page. Copy API Key and Secret. Enable "Web OAuth Login".

Google Go to Create new Project. Enable Google+ API in this project in the APIs section. Then Create new Client ID in Credentials section. Choose "Web Application". Set up redirect url , it will be an url to your "Login complete script". Copy Client ID , Client Secret

NOTE. For some social networks it is needed to provide a correct login redirect url (callback url) in an application settings when you registering new keys. For example, you have to do this is Google API Console.

Login redirect url is a "complete login" url in your app. A script where you do final actions on a social login.

Recommended is to keep all integration options in one array in a separate safe configuration file. It is not required to have all integrations keys. Add only what you really need.

$integrations = array(
	'facebook' => array(
		'api_key' => 'fake facebook api key',
		'secret_key' => 'fake facebook secret key'
	'twitter' => array(
		'consumer_key' => 'fake twitter consumer key',
		'consumer_secret' => 'fake twitter consumer secret'
	'linkedin' => array(
		'api_key' => 'fake linkedin api key',
		'api_secret' => 'fake linkedin api secret'
	'google' => array(
		'application_name' => 'Your application name',
		'client_id' => 'fake google api client id',
		'client_secret' => 'fake google api client secret'
	'xingapi' => array(
		'consumer_key' => 'fake xing consumer key',
		'consumer_secret' => 'fake xing counsumer secret'
	'liveid' => array(
		'consumer_key' => 'fake live id consumer key',
		'consumer_secret' => 'fake live id consumer secret'


Start login process.

File startlogin.php

// composer autoloader
require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$socialnetwork = $_REQUEST['network'];  // this is one of: facebook, google, twitter, linkedin

// create social network login object. The second argument is array of API settings for a social network
$network = Gelembjuk\Auth\AuthFactory::getSocialLoginObject($socialnetwork,$integrations[$socialnetwork]);

$redirecturl = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'/completelogin.php';

$socialauthurl = $network->getLoginStartUrl($redirecturl);
// remember the state. it will be used when complete a social login
$_SESSION['socialloginsate_'.$socialnetwork] = $network->serialize();

// this is optional. you can include a network name in your redirect url and then extract
$_SESSION['socialloginnetwork'] = $socialnetwork;

header("Location: $socialauthurl",true,301);

Complete login process.

File completelogin.php

// composer autoloader
require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$socialnetwork = $_SESSION['socialloginnetwork']; 

$network = Gelembjuk\Auth\AuthFactory::getSocialLoginObject($socialnetwork,$integrations[$socialnetwork]);

try {
	// read some input parameters needed to complete auth by this social network
	$arguments = array();
	foreach ($network->getFinalExtraInputs() as $key) {
		$arguments[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key];
	// restore to a state before redirect
	// get authorized user short social profile
	$profile = $network->completeLogin($arguments);
	// save user info to a session
	$_SESSION['user'] = $profile;
	// now user is loged in!
	//redirect user to home page
	header("Location: index.php",true,301);
} catch (Exception $e) {
	echo "Somethign went wrong during the login process<br>";
	echo "Error is: ".$e->getMessage();


Roman Gelembjuk (@gelembjuk)