
Lightweight schedule bundle for symfony 3+

Installs: 5

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2019-04-17 09:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 21:32:40 UTC


You can find a demonstration of what the bundle does on :


1. Configure templating for your application
# app/config/config.yml (Symfony <=3)
        engines: ['twig']
2. Install this bundle using Composer
composer require geekshub/schedulebundle
3. Add the schedule bundle to your application's kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new \Geekshub\ScheduleBundle\GeekshubScheduleBundle(),
        // ...
4. Configure the bundle
# app/config/config.yml
geekshub_schedule: ~

This is a basic configuration, the bundle will use the default values for the configs entries that you can find at the Configuration section.


In your controller:

To add tasks to your schedule you can use the addTaskByAttr() method addTaskByAttr($label, $group, $start_date, $expected_end_date, $real_end_date, $title, $link)

The addTaskByAttr() method takes seven parameters :

Parameter Description Type required
$label Rendered in the first column text yes
$group Creates the separtation between type of entries text yes
$start_date Task start date formatted date (d-m-Y) yes
$expected_end_date Task expected end date formatted date (d-m-Y) yes
$real_end_date Task real end date (to calculate delay) formatted date (d-m-Y) no
$title Will be rendered on the task timeline text no
$link Will redirect you once the title is clicked bool no

For example:

public function showPlaningAction()
   // retrieve the schedule service from container
   $schedule = $this->container->get('geekshub_schedule'); 
   // retrieve the data you want to add to the schedule
   $tasks = $this->getManager()->getRepository('Yourclass')->getScheduledTasks(); 
   // Loop over the tasks and add them to the schedule 
   foreach($tasks as $task){
      $schedule->addTaskByAttr(...) ; 

NOTE: For Symfony 4.* you will have to use the dependency inejection to retrieve the schedule. It should look like this :

public function showPlaningAction(Schedule $schedule) // dependency injection
   // ... //


The following default parameters can be overriden in your config.yml or similar:

    show_weekends: false
    use_link: true
    separator_color: "#bdbdbd"
      taskCellClass: "task_cell"
      yearRowClass: "years_row"
      weekRowClass: "weeks_row"
      monthRowClass: "months_row"
      dayRowClass: "days_row"
      groupRowClass: "group_row"
      taskRowClass: "task_row"
      taskCellDelayClass: "task_cell_delay"

Overriding the template

You can override the template by copying the Resources/views/table.html.twig file in your own bundle and then pass it as a parameter to the gh_render_planning. Use the scheduleTemplate configuration parameter:

{{ gh_render_planning({ scheduleTemplate: "YourOwnBundle::YourSchedule.html.twig" }) }}


We welcome contributions to this project, including pull requests and issues (and discussions on existing issues). We accept any suggestion to improve the bundle to server a bigger purpose.