
Various general purpose utilities

0.2.0 2020-10-04 15:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 05:27:44 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Tests Analysis Code Sniffer Contributor Covenant

This small package is simply a collection of functions that I find useful across multiple projects.


Install using Composer:

composer require geeksareforlife/utilities

The only requirement at this time is PHP 7.1 and above.


The package provides static functions grouped into classes. See the list of functions below.

When using, you can either call the functions using the fully qualified name:

$newArray = GeeksAreForLife\Utilities\Arrays::sanitiseArray($array, $keys);

or have a use statement at the top of your file:

use GeeksAreForLife\Utilities\Arrays;
$newArray = Arrays::sanitiseArray($array, $keys);

Arrays::sanitiseArray($array, $keys)

This function takes two arguments - the array you want to sanitise and a list of keys you want in the returned array.

For example, given this as an input array:

$array = [
  'red'   => 'abc',
  'green' => true,
  'blue'  => [1, 2, 3],

and the following as the list of keys:

$keys = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow'];

The returned array will be:

$array = [
  'red'   => 'abc',
  'blue'  => [1, 2, 3],

Notice that yellow does not appear as a key.

Arrays::sanitiseArrayList($list, $keys)

This function takes the provided list of arrays and sanitises each one before returning a list of the sanitised arrays.

The individual arrays are santised in exactly the same way as noted in the previous function.

Strings::startsWith($string, $startsWith)

This function checks if the provided $string starts with $startsWith and returns either true or false.

$startsWith can be of any length. An empty string in $startsWith will return true.

Strings::endsWith($string, $endsWith)

This function checks if the provided $string ends with $endsWith and returns either true or false

$endsWith can be of any length. An empty string in $endsWith will return true.


Firstly, I am really happy that you are thinking about contributing to this project.

You can find the Contributing Guidelines in the root of this repository.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

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