
Core classes for fony PHP API

0.0.50 2023-05-03 15:33 UTC


Core classes for Fony PHP API Framework


You can add fony core as a dependency of your API by declaring a base API class like the following example:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
define('MY_DOC_ROOT', __DIR__);
define('MY_ASSET_ROOT', __DIR__);

use Geekcow\FonyCore\FonyApi;

// Requests from the same server don't have a HTTP_ORIGIN header
if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_ORIGIN', $_SERVER)) {

try {
  $router = new Router('{PROJECTCONFIGFILE}');
  $API = new FonyApi($_REQUEST['request'], $router);
  // if you want to have the origin set:
  // $API = new FonyApi($_REQUEST['request'], $router, $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']);
  echo $API->processAPI();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
  echo json_encode(Array('error' => $e->getMessage()));


Your Router class should be an implementation of the FonyApi class provided here.

How does the Router works

The way the Router class works comes as following

  • The constructor sweeps over the endpoint requested. So an action class (aka controller) can be prestaged.
  • The endpoint will execute a method called the with same name of the request. ie. If the endpoint is /api/user/:id the endpoint we are going to execute is user, so a user() function needs to be defined.
  • Additionally to it, if the endpoint is written with dashes, then the endpoint should be written with camel case.

This is an example of a Router class:



use Geekcow\FonyCore\Controller\GenericController;
use Geekcow\FonyCore\FonyRouter;
use Geekcow\FonyCore\Utils\SessionUtils;
use {PROJECTNAMESPACE}\model\TestModel;

class Router extends FonyRouter
    public function __construct($config_file)
    public function prestageEndpoints($endpoint, $request){
        parent::prestageEndpoints($endpoint, $request);

        switch ($this->endpoint) {
            case 'generic-controller-endpoint':
                $this->action = new GenericController();
                $this->action->setModel(new TestModel());
                $this->action->setFilter(['fields', 'that', 'you', 'do not', 'want', 'to', 'show']);
            case 'generic-actionable-controller-endpoint':
                $this->action = new GenericActionController();
                $this->action->setModel(new TestModel());
                $this->action->setFilter(['fields', 'that', 'you', 'do not', 'want', 'to', 'show']);
     * Shows a welcome message
     * @return string
    public function welcome()
        if ($this->method == 'GET') {
            return "WELCOME TO FONY PHP";
        } else {
            return "Invalid Method";

     * Executes only a POST operation.
     * @return JSON Authenticated response with token
    public function genericControllerEndpoint()
        switch ($this->method) {
            case 'POST':
                $this->action->doPost($this->args, $this->verb);
                $this->response_code = $this->action->response['code'];
                return $this->action->response;
            case 'OPTIONS':
                $this->response_code = 405;
                return "Invalid method";

     * Executes an endpoint using the default behavior.
     * @return JSON response
    public function genericActionableControllerEndpoint()
        return $this->executesCall();

Session handling

By default, Fony uses Oauth2 authentication, so it relies on the configuration file required by installing Fony:

  • List of parameters TBD

Alternatively you can define your own authentication mechanism (like the fony-auth project), where you can create an Authentication class as an implementation of the AuthenticatorInterface and initialize it in the Router constructor:

    $sessionInstance = SessionUtils::getInstance(new CustomAuthenticatorClass());


Soon an example repository will be available