
Easy to use tools for a robust Wordpress custom post type setup.

v2.3.3 2024-01-15 09:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-15 11:21:15 UTC


Easy to use tools for a robust Wordpress custom post type setup.


via composer:

> composer require gebruederheitz/wp-easy-cpt

Make sure you have Composer autoload or an alternative class loader present.


Post Type abstract class

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\CustomPostType\PostType;
use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\CustomPostType\PostTypeRegistrationArgs;

class NewsPostType extends PostType 
     * @required Supply a slug-type name which will be used in the DB amongst 
     *           other places 
    public static $postTypeName = 'news';
     * @required The name users will see 
    public static $prettyName = 'News';
     * @optional Where the metabox will appear: one of 'side', 'normal', 'advanced'
     * @default 'side'
    public static $context = 'normal';

     * @var bool Whether to use a Gutenberg editor and call the allowed block 
     *           types hook. Set to "false" by default, so if you don't need
     *           Gutenberg you can just leave this out.
    protected $withGutenberg = true;

     * @var bool Whether to load the media picker scripts on the edit page. 
     *           If you don't need to use a media picker, you can leave this
     *           bit out. 
    protected $withMedia = true;

     * @var array List of allowed block types if Gutenberg is enabled. If you
     *            did not set $withGutenberg to `true` you won't need this.
     *            Otherwise supply a string-array of block names 
     *            (e.g. `core/button`). 
    protected $allowedBlockTypes = [
     * @var string The translation domain to use for menu labels etc. 
     * If you are using the "ghwp" domain, you can skip this setting, otherwise
     * set it to your theme / plugin's i18n domain.
    protected $translationDomain = 'ghwp';
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // There are only two methods you need to define, and one you will want to
    // override:
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Renders the meta box for users to edit additional post type fields.
     * @return void
    public function renderMetabox() 
        /** @var WP_Post */
        global $post;
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // You could go old-school
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            <input name="postid" type="text" value="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" />

        // or use a library like cmb2
        $metabox = new_cmb2_box([
            'id' => self::$postTypeName . 'something',
            'title' => 'Details',
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // or use the dependency-free MetaForms class and maybe even combine it
        // with the repository (more below)
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        /** @var Newspost $news */
        $news = NewspostRepository::getInstance()->find($post->ID);

            'Tags (separate with semicolons)',

     * Handle the submission of user edited metadata.
     * @param WP_POST $post
     * @param array $data 
     * @return void
    public function savePostMeta($post, $data) 
        /** @var Newspost $news */
        $news = NewspostRepository::getInstance()->find($post->ID);

        $news->setTagsFromString($data[Newspost::tagMetaFieldName] ?? '');


     * The PostType class handles the registration for you. For easy access and
     * type definitions it uses the PostTypeRegistrationArgs configuration
     * object.
     * To modify the arguments passed to `register_post_type` you can override
     * the method editRegistrationArgs() and call the fluent setters on the
     * PostTypeRegistrationArgs object provided.

     * Modify the arguments for the post type's registration call.
    protected function editRegistrationArgs(PostTypeRegistrationArgs $args): PostTypeRegistrationArgs 
         // Setters in PostTypeRegistrationArgs can be chained:
         return $args;


Using the entity repository

The entity repository caches database calls for post type entities and helps with normalization of post type data.

As a first step, you will have to define your post type entity (and potentially sub-entities) implementing the StorableEntity interface:

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\Domain\StorableEntity;

class Newspost implements StorableEntity
    /** @var int|null */
    private $postId;

    /** @var string */
    private $title = '';

    /** @var array */
    private $tags = [];

     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * For easier access, and to avoid duplication and typo-style errors, we
     * define the post_meta keys as class constants. It's up to you if you
     * want to adopt this pattern.
     * You are encouraged to prefix your post_meta keys.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** @var string */
    public const tagMetaFieldName = 'ghwp-faq-tags';
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Construct the entity from the post object and the associated raw
     * post_meta.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public function __construct(WP_Post $post = null, $meta = []) {
        $this->postId = $post->ID ?? null;
        $this->title  = $post->post_title ?? '';
        $this->tags   = $this->unserializeTags($meta[self::tagMetaFieldName] ?? '');
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * How you approach this bit is up to you. We'll be using a getter / setter
     * pattern in this example. These methods will be used wherever the CPT
     * is going to be consumed – template partials for instance.
      * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public function getPostId(): ?int
        return $this->postId;

    public function setPostId(?int $postId): Newspost
        $this->postId = $postId;

        return $this;

    public function getTitle(): string
        return $this->title;

    public function setTitle(string $title): Newspost
        $this->title = $title;

        return $this;

    public function getTags(): array
        return $this->tags;

    public function getTagsAsString(): string
        return $this->serializeTags($this->tags);

    public function setTags(array $tags): Newspost
        $this->tags = $tags;

        return $this;

    public function setTagsFromString(string $tags): Newspost
        $this->tags = $this->unserializeTags($tags);

        return $this;
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Implement the toMetaValues() method: Return an associative array of 
     * post_meta keys with the corresponding string value.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public function toMetaValues(): array
        return [
            self::tagMetaFieldName => $this->serializeTags($this->tags),
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * We're using some utility functions here; you could also use JSON or
     * any other serialization format. Beware however, that JSON might cause
     * issues with escaped quoting – your best bet is to base64_encode() your
     * JSON before storing and base64_decode() right after retrieving the values.
     * Alternatively you can work around this using wp_slash() on already
     * escaped JSON strings: 
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private function serializeTags(array $tags): string
        return join(';', $this->tags);

    private function unserializeTags(string $tags): array
        return array_map('trim', explode(';', $tags));

You can then create a repository for this new entity:

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\Domain\CustomPostTypeRepository;

class NewspostRepository extends CustomPostTypeRepository
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * First off, define your meta key. Use a prefix. Prefix that with an
     * underscore to hide the metadata from WP menus.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public static $metaKey = '_ghwp_news';
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Now define the entity and post type classes you want the repository
     * to use. The $entityClass needs to implement the StorableEntity interface,
     * while $postTypeClass must implement PostTypeInterface.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      /** @var string */
    protected static $entityClass = Newspost::class;

    /** @var string */
    protected static $postTypeClass = NewsPostType::class;
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * You can override the type for the internal $entities property to get
     * better type hinting:
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** @var Newspost[] */
    protected $entities = [];

And basically you're done. You might want to override some methods if you're doing anything out of the ordinary like:

  • large entities with multiple properties that you want to store in separate meta fields
  • work on meta fields for anything that's not an entire custom post type
  • ...

You can find examples below

Non-CPT use of the entity repository

The CustomPostTypeRepository class is closely coupled to the PostType entity class, but sometimes you may wish to use an entity repository without this close association. You could use it for storing meta fields on a regular post or page for example.

In these scenarios you can use the base class AbstractRepository, which does not constrict you to a single post type:

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\Domain\AbstractRepository;

class ViewCountRepository extends AbstractRepository
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Here, you do not need to provide a CPT, only the meta field key and the
     * entity class this repository will manage.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public static $metaKey = 'ghwp_view_count';
    protected static $entityClass = ViewCount::class;
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * You will have to implement the abstract method `getPosts()` in order
     * to define the selection your entity is based on. We could, for instance,
     * introduce a view counter on all posts with a tag "counted", and by
     * default sort them alphabetically by title.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Retrieve all posts that will be processed in getAllFromDB(). Use this
     * method to fetch the list of posts relevant to you.
     * If you're using a custom post type with
     * Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\CustomPostType\PostType this method has a basic
     * implementation in CustomPostTypeRepository.
     * @return WP_Post[]
    protected static function getPosts(): array {
        return get_posts(
                'post_type' => 'post',
                'tag' => 'counted',
                'orderby' => 'title',
                'numberposts' => -1,

Entity repository examples

Example: getPosts() override

    protected static function getPosts(): array
        // Example: Sort entries by the meta value we define
        return get_posts(
            'post_type' => 'post',
            'tag' => 'counted',
            'orderby' => 'meta_value_num title',
            'meta_key' => self::$metaKey,
            'order' => 'ASC',
        // Example: Retrieve all posts of a custom type ordered by a user-defined
        //          index stored in a separate meta field (using
        //          CustomPostTypeRepository)
        return get_posts(
                'post_type'       => MyCustomPostType::$postTypeName,
                'orderby'         => 'meta_value_num title',
                'meta_key'        => self::$metaKey . '_order',
                'order'           => 'ASC',
                'numberposts'     => -1,
        // This is the default for CustomPostTypeRepository – retrieves all
        // posts for the CPT class you set in $postTypeClass.
        return get_posts(
                'post_type' => call_user_func([static::$postTypeClass, 'getPostTypeName']),
                'numberposts' => -1,

Example: Overriding entityFromPostId when storing data in separate meta fields (cmb2 etc.)

     * Instantiates an entity instance from a post ID.
     * @param int $postId
     * @param ?WP_Post $post
     * @return StorableEntity An instance of the entity type defined in static::$entityClass
    protected static function entityFromPostId(int $postId, WP_Post $post = null): StorableEntity
        if (empty($post)) {
            $post = get_post($postId);

        $meta = self::getMetaValues($postId);
        // So far it's the default behaviour of this method. We get the post
        // object if it hasn't been passed, and get the meta values for
        // static::$metaKey.
        // Now we add some meta values stored separately, e.g. when using cmb2 /
        // CustomMetaBoxes2
        $meta['some-other-key'] = get_post_meta($postId, '_some-other-key', true);
        // When we're done, we instantiate an object from the entity class,
        // passing it the $meta array we extended and return the entity:  
        return new static::$entityClass($post, $meta);

Example: persist() override when storing multiple meta fields

     * Save a single Entity's meta fields to the database. Writes the common
     * fields to self::$metaKey and the "order" field's value to
     * "{$metaKey}_order" to allow custom sorting.
     * @param StorableEntity $item The Entity to be persisted to the DB.
    protected function persist(StorableEntity $item): void
        update_post_meta($item->getPostId(), self::$metaKey, $item->toMetaValues());
        update_post_meta($item->getPostId(), self::$metaKey . '_order', $item->getOrder());



  • PHP >= 7.4
  • Composer 2.x
  • NVM and nodeJS LTS (v16.x)
  • Nice to have: GNU Make (or drop-in alternative)