
The backend helper for the video overlay block.

v4.0.0 2024-03-06 16:11 UTC


see @gebruederheitz/wp-block-video-overlay


Registering the block

Given you have already initialized the gebruederheitz/wp-gutenberg-blocks BlockRegistrar somewhere:


You will then simply have to instantiate a VideoOverlayBlock:

new \Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\VideoOverlay\VideoOverlayBlock();

Using consent management functionality

Managing user consent of third-party platforms is quite simple with this block and @gebruederheitz/consent-tools. To provide the editor scripts in @gebruderheitz/wp-block-video-overlay with a list of possible embed types, use the filter hook:

use Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\VideoOverlay\VideoOverlayBlock;

add_filter(VideoOverlayBlock::HOOK_EMBED_TYPES, function ($embedTypes) use $services {
    $embedTypes[''] = ['displayName' => 'internal'];

        foreach ($services as $serviceId => $service) {
            $embedTypes[$serviceId] = [
                'displayName' => $service['prettyName'] ?? $serviceId,

        return $embedTypes;

Changing the default embed provider

You can simply pass the default service's identifier to the constructor:

use Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\VideoOverlay\VideoOverlayBlock;

new VideoOverlayBlock();   // Default: 'youtube' service (data-ghct-src and data-ghct-type="youtube")
new VideoOverlayBlock(''); // Default: no consent management (src and no data-ghct-src)
new VideoOverlayBlock('vimeo') // Default: 'vimeo' service (data-ghct-src and data-ghct-type="vimeo")

Enabling video captions

Use the filter hook HOOK_CC_LANG_PREFS to provide an array of available languages on your site to allow editors to input a language preset for Youtube captions:

add_filter(VideoOverlayBlock::HOOK_CC_LANG_PREFS, function ($enabled) {
    /* ... */
    return true;

Editors may input a string in the Block Editor representing a language or locale slug (like "en", "en-GB", "en-US", "fr", "de-DE" etc.). The input is sanitized to only allow alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores.

Defining additional attributes

Yes, there's a filter hook for that:

use Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\VideoOverlay\VideoOverlayBlock;

add_filter(VideoOverlayBlock::HOOK_ATTRIBUTES, function ($attributes) {
    $attributes['myCustomAttribute'] = [
        'type' => 'string',
        'default' => 'attribute default value',
    return $attributes;

Changing the block markup

You can override the template used by the block by simply putting a file into wp-content/themes/{your-theme}/template-parts/blocks/video-overlay.php. The block's attributes are accessible using get_query_var('attributeName'). Take look at the default template as an example.

Alternatively you can filter & override the template partial path and gain even more control:

add_filter(VideoOverlayBlock::HOOK_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL, function (string $partial, string $type, array $attributes) {
    if ($type === 'overlay') {
        return get_theme_file_path('templates/block/video/video-type-overlay.php');
    return $partial;
}, 3);