
Helps you get your posts asynchronously to the frontend in your plugin or theme

v0.2.2 2023-02-13 09:57 UTC


Helps you get your posts asynchronously to the frontend in your plugin or theme

Provides a simple interface ideal for custom pagination especially on hybrid setups using both synchronous server-side rendering and asynchronous AJAX-powered loading of posts from a frontend script or framework using WP's own REST API.


via composer:

> composer require gebruederheitz/wp-async-posts-provider


Using the container with default settings

Initialize the container (usually in your functions.php):


use Gebruederheitz\WpAsyncPostsProvider\AsyncPostsProvider;


Make sure you have Composer autoload or an alternative class loader present.

You may pass any options provided by ContainerSettings as class properties in a string-keyed array to the container to modify defaults (see below):

    'rendererTemplatePath' => 'template-parts/fancy/excerpt',
    'defaultPartial' => 'fancy-tile',

Instantiating the container will register all the relevant Wordpress hooks and set up the REST route for use with your frontend scripts / framework.

Available options

The following options can be set by passing the container an array with the following keys:

option key default value description
initialPostCount (int) 8 The number of posts rendered server-side (on page 0).
perPage (int) 6 The number of posts per page after page 0.
postFilterClass (string) PostFilter::class The classes used for the various functionalities. This is where...
asyncPostsClass (string) AsyncPosts::class can provide your own classes implementing the...
validatorClass (string) Validator::class ...respective interfaces to extend...
rendererClass (string) PostRenderer::class ...or modify functionality.
rendererTemplatePath (string) 'template-parts/content/content-excerpt' The template path passed to get_template_part by the renderer.
defaultPartial (string) 'small' The default template name passed as the second parameter to get_template_part by the renderer. This can be overwritten by the partial request parameter.
route (string) '/posts/load-more' The route used for retrieving paginated posts asynchronously. This will be prefixed with /ghwapp/v1 and the basic WP REST path (usually /wp/json).

Basic usage

Hybrid setup: Rendering "page zero"

If you want to deliver rendered HTML with the first couple of posts to the user, you can use the PostFilter to automatically limit the number of posts initially returned by the main query on the front page (currently is_home(), will be customizable soon).
Set the number of posts you want to be loaded initially by passing the initialPostCount option. Setting this value to 0 will disable the pre-filtering, and you will receive the default number of items on the main query (which can be set through the Wordpress settings).

To determine whether or not there are any posts left to be loaded asynchronously you can use the PostFilter's shouldShowLoadMoreButton() method:

use Gebruederheitz\WpAsyncPostsProvider\AsyncPostsProvider;
    <?php if (AsyncPostsProvider::getInstance()->getPostFilter()->shouldShowLoadMoreButton()): ?>
        <button id="load-more">Load more posts</button>
    <?php endif; ?>

Usage on the front end


Extending or modifying components

Injecting services


Custom filtering using PostFilter


