
Plugins enables the exchange of a Microsoft access token for an application access token. The service assumes the user's front end will handle the authentication flow to acquire and manage the expiration of the Microsoft access token. When the framework app's token expires, user must re-exchange a

v1.0.1 2023-08-07 13:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 15:43:10 UTC


Service to extend gcgov/framework

Primary purpose

  • Enable the exchange of a Microsoft access token for an application access token. The service assumes the user's front end will handle the authentication flow to acquire and manage the expiration of the Microsoft access token. When the framework app's token expires, user must re-exchange a valid Microsoft access token for an updated app access token. There are no app refresh tokens or mechanisms.

Impact to application

  • Router:
    • Adds route /.well-known/jwks.json - provides endpoint to enable front end validation of tokens generated by the api
    • Adds route /auth/microsoft - exchanges a valid Microsoft authentication token for an app access
    • Adds route /auth/fileToken - create a short lived access token that can be used in the url for supported routes



  • Requests to /auth/microsoft must provide Authorization header with the valid Microsoft access token. Ex Authorization: Bearer {microsoft_token}
  • Response body: { 'access_token':'-app_access_token-', 'expires_in':3600, 'token_type':'Bearer' }