
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP wrapper functions for interfacing with the Arachni V6.x API

dev-master 2019-07-29 13:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-07-30 12:43:20 UTC


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PHP wrapper functions for interfacing with the Arachni V6.x API.

If you are looking for the Arachni V5.x capable XMLRPC API Class, please see the n5 branch here


The Arachni 6 Vulnerability Scanner provides a RESTful API interface. This library aims to be a wrapper around this API, allowing you to query it directly, as detailed in the API documentation.

One major advantage of this library is that it does not necessarily have to update when new endpoints are made available. It is simply a wrapper. Calls to the API can be made exactly as it is documented in the API reference found at the /api resource of your local scanner. For eg. If a API endpoint is defined as:

DELETE /scans/{scan_id}

Then you can call it with:


The latest version of this wrapper has only been tested against a Arachni 6.1 scanner.


There are a fair number of ways to use this library. All methods start the same way though; Instantiating a new instance. The library will handle the authentication cookie automatically internally.

Some examples of calling the API:


include 'vendor/autoload.php';

$t = new Arachni\Client('username', 'password', 'hostname.local');

Now, you may call API methods either via method chaining, or via the call(), method.
A method chaining example (assuming $scan_id == 5) would be:

// Get a file ID for a new report export
$file_id = $t->scans($scan_id)->export()->setFields(array('format' => 'arachni'))->via('post');

The same using the call() method would be:

// Get a file ID for a new report export
$t->setFields(array('format' => 'arachni'));
$file_id = $t->via('post');

NOTE: All calls should end with a via($method), where $method is the HTTP method to use. via() accepts a second argument, which specifies if a response should be returned raw if true, or a parsed JSON object if not set (false).


The easiest way by far would be to install the library via composer. Add the following line to your composer.json:

"leonjza/php-arachni-ng": "~1.0"

Run php composer.phar update. You should now have the \Arachni class available to use.

This will give you the Arachni V6 compatible library. As previously mentioned, should you require the V5 compatile version, its details can be found in the n5 branch.

Usage example:

Include the Composer Autoloader, instantiate a new instance, and start using it. Below is an example script that will download the first available report in the .arachni format:


include 'vendor/autoload.php';

$t = new Arachni\Client('username', 'password', 'hostname.local');

// Get a scan_id to export a report for.
$scan_id = $t->scans()->via('get')->scans[0]->id;

// Request the export, taking note of the returned file_id that we need.
$file_id = $t->scans($scan_id)->export()->setFields(array('format' => 'arachni'))->via('post')->file;

// Set a status that will update as we poll for a status
$export_status = 'waiting';

// If the export status is ready, break.
while ($export_status != 'ready') {

    // Poll for a status update
    $export_status = $t->scans($scan_id)->export($file_id)->status()->via('get')->status;

    // Wait 1 second before another poll

// Get the .arachni report export, specifying that we want it via a raw get
$file = $t->scans($scan_id)->export($file_id)->download()->via('get', true);