galactium / space
Galactium Space
- ext-json: *
Requires (Dev)
- spatie/schema-org: Required for SEO component (^2.0)
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer: Required for sending emails (^6.0).
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-08 12:54:40 UTC
Galactium Space is a light library to provide extended functionality for Galactium projects.
- PHP 7.1 or above
- Phalcon 3.3
composer require galactium/space
New Translation Adapter: NestedArray:
- implements \JsonSerializable interface:
use Galactium\Space\Translation\Adapter\NestedArray; $messages = [ 'title' => [ 'message' => 'Welcome' ], ]; $adapter = new NestedArray([ 'content' => $messages, ]); json_encode($adapter->toArray());
- supports "dot"-navigation:
use Galactium\Space\Translation\Adapter\NestedArray; $messages = [ 'title' => [ 'message' => 'Welcome' ], ]; $adapter = new NestedArray([ 'content' => $messages, ]); echo $adapter->_('title.message'); // prints Welocme
Translation Manager
- Supports fallback language;
- Supports Loader to load translations
use Galactium\Space\Translation\Loader\File; use Galactium\Space\Translation\Manager; $mainLanguage = 'en'; $fallbackLanguage = 'ru'; $translationManager = new Manager(new File('/path/to/messages/dir/'), $mainLanguage, $fallbackLanguage);
- Supports hierarchically messages directories:
$mainLanguage = 'en'; $fallbackLanguage = 'ru'; $translationManager = new Manager(new File('/recourses/messages/'), $mainLanguage, $fallbackLanguage); $translationManager->loadTranslation('Module::Common'); // to load only /recourses/messages/en/Module/Common.php
If you don't need multiple language files in Module
directory, you can put to them translation file with the
same name:
- All lodaded translations are returned in single NestedArray adapter:
$translationManager->getLoadedTranslations() // return Galactium\Space\Translation\Adapter\NestedArray
Please note: Translation Manager works only with NestedArray Adapter.
Mailer wrapper of swiftmailer/swiftmailer.
use Galactium\Space\Mail\Manager; use Phalcon\Config; $transport = (new \Swift_SmtpTransport('', 465, false)) ->setUsername('user_name') ->setPassword('user_password'); $mailer = new \Swift_Mailer($transport); $manager = new Manager($mailer, $transport, new Config([ 'views_dir' => '/path/to/views/dir/', 'from' => [ // define a global 'from' 'email' => '', 'name' => 'My Name' ] ]));
// create your first message: $mailManager->message() ->to('') ->subject('Subject') ->body('Text') ->send();
// create using a volt template: $mailManager->message() ->view('volt-template', [ 'user' => Users::findFIrst() ]) ->to('') ->subject('Subject') ->send();
// you can pass a callback to manipulate the view instance: $mailManager->message() ->view('volt-template', [ 'user' => Users::findFIrst() ], function (ViewBaseInterface $view) { // code here ... }) ->to('') ->subject('Subject') ->send();
You can use {{ _message }}
to get access to Message instance in your template. For example, it can be used to insert an image as embed content:
<img src="{{ _message.embed('/path/to/image.png') }}" alt="my image">
The identifier has been developed to easily convert a model's key params (like module, namespace, table name, identity field, and it's value) to string.
Identifier Manager can generate GUID (Galactium Unique Identifer) in format: module::namespace.class.dotted.params
for a model which implements Galactium\Space\Identifier\IdentifiableInterface
class Model implements IdentifiableInterface { public const MODULE_NAME = 'Module' public $id; } class Guids implements IntercatorInterface { public $guid; } $record = Model::findFirst(1); $idetifier = (string) $record->identify(); // return '' $guid = Guids::findFirst(1); $interactedRecord = $guid->interacte() // same that Model::findFirst(1);
By default Identifer supports only Galactium's class structure.
Errors Manager
Errors Manager provide a simple error handling for an app. It is used to catch all exceptions generated by an app and converting them to beautiful response.
Seo Component includes:
use Galactium\Space\Seo\Manager; $seoManager = new Manager(); $seoManager->breadcrumbs()->push('title','/link'); $seoManager->get(); // returns Galactium\Space\Seo\Breadcrumbs\Breadcrumb[]
Meta information
use Galactium\Space\Seo\Manager; $seoManager = new Manager(); $seoManager->metas() ->add(new Titile('Title')) ->add(new Description('Description')) ->add(new Keywords('Keywords')) ->add(new Canonical('/canonical')); foreach($seoManager->metas() as $meta){ echo $meta->render(); }
use Galactium\Space\Seo\Manager; $seoManager = new Manager(); $seoManager->openGraph() ->setType('opengrpah.type') ->setTitle('title') ->setDescription('description') ->if($item->hasImage(), function ($openGraph) use ($item) { $openGraph->setImage($item->getImage()->getSrc()); }) ->setUrl('/href');
SchemaOrg (Factory for Spatie\SchemaOrg)
You can get access to all components listed above using Galactium\Space\Seo\Manager
Other improvements
has a special field$append
You can easily overwrite or add any attribute to json.
class Model { protected $append = [ 'full_name' ]; public $id; public $first_name; public $last_name; public function getFullName() { return "{$this->first_name} {$this->last_name}"; } } json_encode(Model::findFirst()); //returns all attrubutes and result of getFullName() method.
Please note: For some reasons
doesn't work in some cases.
This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details.