
Custom routing library especially useful for fast API development

Fund package maintenance!

v3.1.7 2024-08-22 19:15 UTC


This library allows you to create static or dynamic routes. This library was inspired by PHP Slim framework

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Install via composer

composer require gac/routing

Manual install

Download the latest release from the Releases page.

Don't forget to add these include_once statements to your php files:

include_once "./Exceptions/CallbackNotFound.php";
include_once "./Exceptions/RouteNotFoundException.php";
include_once "./Request.php";
include_once "./Routes.php";

Post install

To use this library properly you will need to create a .htaccess file at the root of the project.

Example of the .htaccess file would look like this:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php [QSA,L]


If you've named your main file differently, replace index.php in the .htaccess file with whatever your main application file is.

Quick start

Sample code to allow you to quickly start with your development.

use Gac\Routing\Exceptions\CallbackNotFound;
use Gac\Routing\Exceptions\RouteNotFoundException;
use Gac\Routing\Request;
use Gac\Routing\Response;
use Gac\Routing\Routes;

include_once "vendor/autoload.php"; # IF YOU'RE USING composer

$routes = new Routes();
try {
    $routes->add('/', function (Request $request) {
        // Old way of doing it, still supported until v4
            ->status(200, "OK")
            ->send(["message" => "Welcome"]);

        // New way of doing it
        withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")::
        withStatus(200, 'OK')::
        withBody([ "message" => "Welcome" ])::
    $routes->route('/', function (Request $request) {
        // Old way of doing it, still supported until v4
            ->status(200, "OK")
            ->send(["message" => "Welcome"]);

        // New way of doing it
        withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")::
        withStatus(200, 'OK')::
        withBody([ "message" => "Welcome" ])::
    }, [Routes::POST])->save();

} catch (RouteNotFoundException $ex) {
    // Old way of doing it, still supported until v4
    $routes->request->status(404, "Route not found")->send(["error" => ["message" => $ex->getMessage()]]);
    // New way of doing it
    Response::withStatus(404, 'Route not found')::send(["error" => [ "message" => $ex->getMessage() ]]);
} catch (CallbackNotFound $ex) {
    // Old way of doing it, still supported until v4
    $routes->request->status(404, "Callback not found")->send(["error" => ["message" => $ex->getMessage()]]);
    // New way of doing it
    Response::withStatus(404, 'Callback not found')::send(["error" => [ "message" => $ex->getMessage() ]]);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    $code = $ex->getCode() ?? 500;
    // Old way of doing it, still supported until v4
    $routes->request->status($code)->send(["error" => ["message" => $ex->getMessage()]]);
    // New way of doing it
    Response::withStatus($code)::send(["error" => [ "message" => $ex->getMessage() ]]);


Dynamic routes example

$routes->add('/test/{int:userID}-{username}/{float:amount}/{bool:valid}', function (
    Request $request,
    int $userID,
    string $username,
    float $amount,
    bool $valid
) {
    echo 'Dynamic route content here';

Chained routes

When using chained methods either use ->save() or ->add() as the last method to indicate the end of a chain


  • ->save(true|false) method can still be chained onto if needed
    • Passing false (the default value is true) to the ->save() method will preserve all the previous prefixes and middlewares in that chain
  • ->add() CAN NOT be chained onto and should be the last call in chain
    ->prefix('/user') // all the routes added will have the /user prefix
    ->middleware([ 'verify_token' ]) // all the routes added will have the verify_token middleware applied
    ->route('/', [ HomeController::class, 'getUsers' ], Routes::GET)
    ->route('/', [ HomeController::class, 'addUser' ], Routes::POST)
    ->route('/', [ HomeController::class, 'updateUser' ], Routes::PATCH)
    ->route('/', [ HomeController::class, 'replaceUser' ], Routes::PUT)
    ->add('/test', [ HomeController::class, 'deleteUser' ], Routes::DELETE);

Chained routes with save at the end

    ->route("/t0", function(Request $request){})
    ->get("/t1", function (){})
    ->post("/t2", function (){})
    ->put("/t3", function (){})
    ->patch("/t4", function (){})
    ->delete("/t5", function (){})

Chained routes with multiple chains in one call

    ->middleware([ 'decode_token' ])
    ->get("/t1", function () { }) // route would be: /test/t1
    ->get("/t2", function () { }) // route would be: /test/t2
    ->get("/t3", function () { }) // route would be: /test/t3
    ->save(false) // by passing the false argument here, we keep all the previous shared data from the chain (previous prefix(es) and middlewares)
    ->middleware([ "verify_token" ])
    ->get("/t4", function () { }) // route would be: /test/test2/t4
    ->get("/t5", function () { }) // route would be: /test/test2/t5
    ->get("/t6", function () { }) // route would be: /test/test2/t6
    ->save() // by not passing the false argument here, we are removing all shared data from the previous chains (previous prefix(es) and middlewares)
    ->middleware([ "verify_token" ])
    ->get("/t7", function () { }) // route would be: /test3/t7
    ->get("/t8", function () { }) // route would be: /test3/t8
    ->get("/t9", function () { }) // route would be: /test3/t9
    ->add(); //using save or add at the end makes the chaining stop and allows for other independent routes to be added

Passing arguments to middleware methods

When working with middlewares you can also pass them arguments if you need to

use Gac\Routing\Response;

        'has_roles' => 'admin,user',
        [ Middleware::class, 'test_method' ],
        [ Middleware::class, 'has_role', 'Admin', 'Moderator', [ 'User', 'Bot' ] ],
    ->add('/test', function (Request $request) {
        // Old way of doing it, still supported until v4
        $request->send([ 'msg' => 'testing' ]);
        //New way of doing it
        Response::send([ "msg" => "testing" ]);

Every middleware function can also accept an argument of type Gac\Routing\Request at any position as long as it has the proper type specified.

Optional parameters

    function($id = 'defaultValue'){
    	echo "ID: . $id";

When calling this endpoint with /demo it will output ID: defaultValue and with /demo/123 it will output ID: 123

Dependency injection on route classes

When using classes to handle your route callback, and those classes have some dependencies that need to be injected through a constructor, you can specify them as an array of arguments to be injected or let the library try to auto-inject classes.

        [ new InjectedClass() ] 

You can also use named arguments or mix and match them

        [ "injected_var" => new InjectedClass(), new Middleware ] 

Letting the library auto-inject classes into the constructor

    [ InjectController::class ],


The library will always try to auto-inject classes (will skip ones with null as default value) if non are provided, and you're using a class for callbacks.

Use __invoke instead for single method classes

    [ HomeController::class ],

You can also use __invoke with dependency injection as well:

        [ new InjectedClass() ] 

For more examples look in the sample folder index.php file


Source code documentation can be found at PHP Routing documentation page


  • Static routes
  • Dynamic routes
  • Dynamic routes with optional parameters
  • Middlewares
    • Pass arguments to middlewares
  • Route prefixes
  • Method chaining
  • Dependency injection on classes
    • Manual injection
    • Auto-injection