fza / mysql-doctrine-jaro-winkler-function
Provides the `JARO_WINKLER_SIMILARITY()` MySQL function for Doctrine2.
- doctrine/orm: >=2.2.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 20:29:37 UTC
A tiny Doctrine extension for the Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm to be used directly in DQL. The JARO_WINKLER_SIMILARITY(s1, s2)
function returns a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means there's no similarity at all and 1 indicates an exact match.
Just for reference, there are plenty of alternative/additional algorithms to compute phonetic similarity. This is by all means not a complete list:
- Damerau-Levenshtein distance
- Levenshtein distance (there is a Doctrine extension available as well)
- Soundex
- Metaphone
Define MySQL function
Execute the following commands to define the JARO_WINKLER_SIMILARITY
function in the database. This needs to be done before you can use the function in any query.
DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER =`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `jaro_winkler_similarity`( in1 VARCHAR(255), in2 VARCHAR(255) ) RETURNS FLOAT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN #finestra:= search window, curString:= scanning cursor for the original string, curSub:= scanning cursor for the compared string DECLARE finestra, curString, curSub, maxSub, trasposizioni, prefixlen, maxPrefix INT; DECLARE char1, char2 CHAR(1); DECLARE common1, common2, old1, old2 VARCHAR(255); DECLARE trovato BOOLEAN; DECLARE returnValue, jaro FLOAT; SET maxPrefix = 6; #from the original jaro - winkler algorithm SET common1 = ""; SET common2 = ""; SET finestra = (length(in1) + length(in2) - abs(length(in1) - length(in2))) DIV 4 + ((length(in1) + length(in2) - abs(length(in1) - length(in2))) / 2) MOD 2; SET old1 = in1; SET old2 = in2; #calculating common letters vectors SET curString = 1; WHILE curString <= length(in1) AND (curString <= (length(in2) + finestra)) DO SET curSub = curstring - finestra; IF (curSub) < 1 THEN SET curSub = 1; END IF; SET maxSub = curstring + finestra; IF (maxSub) > length(in2) THEN SET maxSub = length(in2); END IF; SET trovato = FALSE; WHILE curSub <= maxSub AND trovato = FALSE DO IF substr(in1, curString, 1) = substr(in2, curSub, 1) THEN SET common1 = concat(common1, substr(in1, curString, 1)); SET in2 = concat(substr(in2, 1, curSub - 1), concat("0", substr(in2, curSub + 1, length(in2) - curSub + 1))); SET trovato = TRUE; END IF; SET curSub = curSub + 1; END WHILE; SET curString = curString + 1; END WHILE; #back to the original string SET in2 = old2; SET curString = 1; WHILE curString <= length(in2) AND (curString <= (length(in1) + finestra)) DO SET curSub = curstring - finestra; IF (curSub) < 1 THEN SET curSub = 1; END IF; SET maxSub = curstring + finestra; IF (maxSub) > length(in1) THEN SET maxSub = length(in1); END IF; SET trovato = FALSE; WHILE curSub <= maxSub AND trovato = FALSE DO IF substr(in2, curString, 1) = substr(in1, curSub, 1) THEN SET common2 = concat(common2, substr(in2, curString, 1)); SET in1 = concat(substr(in1, 1, curSub - 1), concat("0", substr(in1, curSub + 1, length(in1) - curSub + 1))); SET trovato = TRUE; END IF; SET curSub = curSub + 1; END WHILE; SET curString = curString + 1; END WHILE; #back to the original string SET in1 = old1; #calculating jaro metric IF length(common1) <> length(common2) THEN SET jaro = 0; ELSEIF length(common1) = 0 OR length(common2) = 0 THEN SET jaro = 0; ELSE #calcolo la distanza di winkler #passo 1: calcolo le trasposizioni SET trasposizioni = 0; SET curString = 1; WHILE curString <= length(common1) DO IF (substr(common1, curString, 1) <> substr(common2, curString, 1)) THEN SET trasposizioni = trasposizioni + 1; END IF; SET curString = curString + 1; END WHILE; SET jaro = ( length(common1) / length(in1) + length(common2) / length(in2) + (length(common1) - trasposizioni / 2) / length(common1) ) / 3; END IF; #end if for jaro metric #calculating common prefix for winkler metric SET prefixlen = 0; WHILE (substring(in1, prefixlen + 1, 1) = substring(in2, prefixlen + 1, 1)) AND (prefixlen < 6) DO SET prefixlen = prefixlen + 1; END WHILE; #calculate jaro-winkler metric RETURN jaro + (prefixlen * 0.1 * (1 - jaro)); END
Symfony2 configuration
# app/config/config.yml doctrine: orm: entity_managers: default: dql: numeric_functions: jaro_winkler_similarity: Fza\MysqlDoctrineJaroWinklerSimilarityFunction\DQL\JaroWinklerSimilarityFunction
Query example
$em = $this->getEntityManager(); $query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM User u WHERE JARO_WINKLER_SIMILARITY(u.name, :nameQuery) > :minSimilarity'); $query->setParameter('nameQuery', 'michael'); $query->setParameter('minSimilarity', 0.5) $matchingUsers = $query->getResult();
Copyright (c) 2015 Felix Zandanel
Licensed under the MIT license.
See LICENSE for more info.