
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Encrypted symfony entity's by verified and standardized libraries

v4.2.2 2021-09-18 17:00 UTC



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This is a fork from the original bundle created by ambta which can be found here: ambta/DoctrineEncryptBundle

This bundle has updated security by not rolling it's own encryption and using verified standardized library's from the field.

Using Halite

All deps are already installed with this package

// Config.yml
    encryptor_class: Halite

Using Defuse

You will need to require Defuse yourself

composer require "defuse/php-encryption ^2.0"

// Config.yml
    encryptor_class: Defuse

Secret key

The secret key should be a max 32 byte hexadecimal string ([0-9a-fA-F]).

Secret key is generated if there is no key found. This is automatically generated and stored in the folder defined in the configuration

// Config.yml
    secret_directory_path: '%kernel.project_dir%'   # Default value

Filename example: .DefuseEncryptor.key or .HaliteEncryptor.key

Do not forget to add these files to your .gitignore file, you do not want this on your repository!

Own secret key file path

To use your own secret key file path use following config:

// Config.yml
    secret_key_file_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/my.key'
