
A description for filesUpload.

3.1.7 2024-12-03 22:09 UTC


Software License Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads


Upload file or image

use Fynduck\FilesUpload\UploadFile;

UploadFile::file($request->file('file')) //or $request->get('base64'), required
    ->setDisk('storage') //default is public
    ->setFolder('Post') //optional
    ->setName('image_name') //optional, default use file name or random in case base64
    ->setOverwrite('old_name.jpg') //optional, remove file with old name
    ->setSizes(['xs' => ['width' => 100, 'height' => 100]]) //(optional) if need other sizes
    ->setExtension('png') //(optional) default use file extension
    ->setBackground('#000000') //optional
    ->setBlur(0) //optional, use values between 0 and 100
    ->setBrightness(0) //optional, use values between -100 and +100. brightness 0 for no change
    ->setGreyscale(true) //optional true or false default is true
    ->setOptimize() //optional
    ->setEncodeFormat() //optional, ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp']
    ->setEncodeQuality() //optional, use values between 0 and 100
    ->save('resize'); //save option resize, resize-crop, crop default is resize

Make new sizes from image

use Fynduck\FilesUpload\ManipulationImage;

            ->setDisk('storage') //default is public
            ->setSizes(['xs' => ['width' => 100, 'height' => 100]])
            ->setName('image_name.jpg') //name with extension
            ->setOverwrite('old_name.jpg') //optional, remove file with old name
            ->setBackground('#000000') //optional
            ->setBlur(0) //optional, use values between 0 and 100
            ->setBrightness(0) //optional, use values between -100 and +100. brightness 0 for no change
            ->setGreyscale(true) //optional true or false default is true
            ->setOptimize() //optional
            ->setEncodeFormat() //optional, ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp']
            ->setEncodeQuality() //optional, use values between 0 and 100
            ->save('resize'); //save option resize, resize-crop, crop default is resize

Optimize exist image

use Fynduck\FilesUpload\ManipulationImage;


resize: Resize the image by the minimum width or height resize-crop: Resize the image by the minimum width or height of the side and crop to the center
crop: Cut out by size part of the current image with given width and height

For laravel < 5.7 use version 1.8

Use for previous versions


composer require fynduck/files-upload


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.