
Creates possibility to use eloquents relations in your dca files

0.1.2 2016-08-10 15:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 21:27:56 UTC


This bundle depends on the great eloquent-bundle from wouterj which makes eloquent usable in symfony. We want to go a step further and integrate Eloquent in Contao.

At the moment this bundle implements

  • hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo, belongsToMany relations
  • command to create dca-files for pivot tables
  • Several Traits you may use in your models
  • ContaoModelConsumerTrait (turns contao models into eloquent models)
  • Eloquent models for all core Contao models

More features which will be implemented:

  • hasManyThrough
  • morphTo
  • morphMany
  • morphToMany
  • morphedByMany


1. Install the Bundle

composer require fuzzyma/contao-eloquent-bundle

2. Activate the Bundle

In your AppKernel.php add:

public function registerBundles() {

    $bundles = [

        new WouterJ\EloquentBundle\WouterJEloquentBundle(), // we depend on it so we have to load it
        new Fuzzyma\Contao\EloquentBundle\ContaoEloquentBundle() // and that's ours



This bundles are now active. But we have to configure the eloquent environment. You can see how it works here: eloquent-bundle. But for simplification here is the short version:

3. Configure Eloquent

            database:  "%database_name%"
            driver:    mysql
            host:      "%database_host%"
            username:  "%database_user%"
            password:  "%database_password%"
            charset:   utf8
            collation: utf8_unicode_ci
            prefix:    'tl_'
    default_connection: default
    eloquent: true
    aliases: false

After this is done we can finally use it


Say we have a Topic model and a Tag model. Every Topic can have multiple Tags and the other way round. To use Eloquents relation we need a pivot table but contao does not understand pivot tables. Furthermore we want a multiple select field for topics and tags which works just fine. We can do that:

 * Table tl_topics
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_topics'] = array
    'config' => array
        // all the config
        'model' => Fuzzyma\Contao\EloquentExampleProjectBundle\Models\Topic::class
	// Fields
	'fields' => array
         // id, tstamp and so on and:
        'tags' => array
            'label' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_topics']['tags'],
            'inputType' => 'select',
            'eval' => ['multiple' => true],
            'eloquent' => [
                'relation' => 'belongsToMany',
                'model' => Fuzzyma\Contao\EloquentExampleProjectBundle\Models\Tag::class,
                'label' => '%name% [%comment%]'
                // 'medthod' => 'tags' // is automatically assumed

The important part is the model key in the config section and the eloquent key in the tags section. Note: Make sure, that the field-name is the same as defined in the Model. So your Topic Model would look like this:

namespace NamespaceToBundle\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Fuzzyma\Contao\EloquentBundle\Traits\ContaoFilesModelTrait; // only needed if you deal with files

class Topic extends Model

    use ContaoFilesModelTrait;

     // laravel use plural of class name as table. So in case you don't match the convention you can change it here
    protected $table = "topics";
    protected $guarded = [];
    public $timestamps = false; // we don't have timestamps but we could add them if we want

    // that method name must match the field name (without _id) or the specified method!!
    public function tags(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class, 'tag_topic'); // you may want to name the pivot table here

    // here the ContaoFilesModelTrait comes into place.
    // The Mutator will convert a call to $topic->thumbnail to a contao file model
    // of course that only works if you defined a field thumbnail in the dca
    public function getThumbnailAttribute($uuid){
        return $this->getContaoFile($uuid);

    // same for setting a new file. Pass a FileModel, an UUID string or just binary
    public function setThumbnailAttribute($file){
        return $this->setContaoFile($file);


For further code and other relations see the contao-eloquent-example-project-bundle


This bundle comes shipped with a command to create the dca file for you which then creates the pivot table. Just run the following command:

php app/console contao:make:pivot

For further options run

php app/console contao:make:pivot --help