
RESTful API serving the house ads to your client app.

1.0.4 2021-07-29 15:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-11 22:35:18 UTC


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A simple house ads / cross-promo API for Laravel 5.*. This package is developed from the house ads solution in Sweaty Chair Studio, which serving interstitial house ad images to players. This contains API for getting the current house ads and a (coming soon) simple web console to create and edit the house ads. This package is aimed to be a plug-n-play solution, to serve your own house ads within your apps, cross-promo another apps, or even simply showing running events.

All current house ads are feed back to client, client can pick one to show, or showing them all one-by-one. This is depends on how you want and how you setup your client. In our case, we want only 1 house ad is shown on each time client app launch, if there are more than one to show, show the highest priority one. A clicked house ad (successfully redirected) will not shown again. All these can be setup in database so you can use it for client accordingly.

You can use it for showing static image or video, display as interstitial or in-app UI box, all depends on how you setup in the client and it's out of the scope of this package, but the API setup should cover most of the cases for the clients. Institial popup showing static image on app launch, Sweaty Chair UI box showing video on menu, Voodoo

The web console is in the TODO list. Meanwhile, you will need to add the house ads into the database manually.

Step-by-step walk-through can be found here.

Table of Contents


Install this package via Composer:

$ composer require furic/house-ads

If you are using Laravel 5.5 or later, then installation is done. Otherwise follow the next steps.

Open config/app.php and follow steps below:

Find the providers array and add our service provider.

'providers' => [
    // ...


To create table for redeem codes in database run:

$ php artisan migrate


House Ads Table

| Name            | Type      | Not Null |
| id              | integer   |     ✓    |
| game_id         | integer   |     ✓    |
| media_portrait  | varchar   |          |
| media_landscape | varchar   |          |
| open_url        | tinyint   |     ✓    |
| url_ios         | varchar   |          |
| url_android     | varchar   |          |
| repeat_count    | tinyint   |     ✓    |
| priority        | tinyint   |     ✓    |
| start_at        | date      |     ✓    |
| end_at          | date      |     ✓    |
| confirmed_count | mediumint |     ✓    |
| cancelled_count | mediumint |     ✓    |
| created_at      | datetime  |          |
| updated_at      | datetime  |          |
  • Game ID: Which game/app this house ad redirect to. This is used in client app to distingish and not showing its own house ad.
  • Portrait Media: The portrait image/video filename. The media should be uploaded and stored in <server root>/media folder. You can also use video and implement the playing function in client app.
  • Landscape Media: The landscape image/video filename.
  • Open URL: Should the house ad open and URL, otherwise the client should simply show the image/video. This is mostly used for showing an event media.
  • iOS URL: The URL to open in iOS devices.
  • Android URL: The URL to open in Android devices.
  • Repeat Count: How many app launches to wait to show this ad again, for interstitial popup only.
  • Priority: The highest priority ad get shown in one app launch.
  • Start At: The date that this house ad start, used this to schedule future house ads.
  • End At: The date that this house ad end, used this to end promotion with a given period.
  • Shown Count: The shown count, used for analytics only.
  • Confirmed Count: The confirmed count (successful redirect), used for analytics only.
  • Cancelled Count: The cancelled count (failed redirect), used for analytics only.


GET <server url>/api/house-ads Returns a JSON array containing all valid house ads.

GET <server url>/api/house-ads/{id} Returns a JSON data continain the house ads with given ID, for debug purpose only.

PUT <server url>/api/house-ads/{id} Updates the shown, clicked or cancelled count of a house ad.

API Document can be found here.

Unity Client Repo

You can simply import this repo in Unity to communicate with your Laravel server with this package: <to be added>


  • Create the web console to add/edit house ads and upload media.
  • Add admin login for web console.
  • Add tests and factories.


laravel-house-ads is licensed under a MIT License.