
1.0.5 2024-05-18 14:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-18 15:20:48 UTC


The free Laravel package to help you integrate data with GA4

Use Cases

  • Crawl and parse result from GA4 with reformated and sorted values
  • Easy to understand and draw charts
  • Example crawler command


  • Dynamic Google Service credentials from config/google-service.php
  • Dynamic Google Analytic properties from config/google-analytic.php
  • Easy to crawl data with a simple line code

Know issues

  • This package uses the latest official SDK, libraries and methods from Google then it might be large (around 30mb for dependency package google/apiclient) for shared hosting.
  • Please consider your server's environment before using this package.
  • However, we still recommend that you follow the latest writing style for Google libraries to ensure safety, compliance, CI/CD and most importantly if you are using services


  • PHP: 8.1 or higher
  • Laravel 9.0 or higher

Quick Start

If you prefer to install this package into your own Laravel application, please follow the installation steps below


Step 1. Install a Laravel project if you don't have one already

Step 2. Require the current package using composer:

composer require funnydevjsc/google-analytic-laravel-integrate

Step 3. Publish the controller file and config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FunnyDev\GoogleAnalytic\GoogleAnalyticServiceProvider" --tag="google-analytic"

If publishing files fails, please create corresponding files at the path config/google-analytic.php and config/google-service.php and app\Console\Commands\GoogleAnalyticCommand.php from this package. And you can also further customize the GoogleAnalyticCommand.php file to suit your project.

Step 4. Create a Google Service credentials:

  • Then download it to your computer as application_default_credentials.json and move it to the storage_path of Laravel project but don't forget to ignore it from git to secure your project.

Step 5. Update the various config settings in the published config file:

  • After publishing the package assets a configuration file will be located at config/google-analytic.php and config/google-service.php.
  • Please use your Google Service credentials values from application_default_credentials.json to fill into config/google-service.php file.
  • Find your Analytic Property ID and fill into config/google-analytic.php file like this:

  • Then in this case our Analytic Property ID is 281673130 which was showed on the current URL.

Step 6. Migrate your Analytic Property ID with your Front End:

You can use libraries such as spatie/laravel-googletagmanager to set up GA4 for Front End of the website then declare events and activities of users and businesses using Javascript to trigger those events and send reports to GA.

Step 7. Save data to Database and Draw charts:

You can use or optimize app/Console/Commands/GoogleAnalyticCommand.php to retrieve data and store the collected data into the Database for convenience in research, evaluation and drawing charts. Drawing charts is possible through Javascript libraries. Example collected data like this (this data bellow is not real and just for demo only):

  "events": { //Trigged when user does something on the website
    "page_view": {
      "users": "2707",
      "counts": "20797"
    "user_engagement": {
      "users": "2020",
      "counts": "16380"
    "scroll": {
      "users": "2034",
      "counts": "13507"
    "session_start": {
      "users": "2705",
      "counts": "9126"
    "first_visit": {
      "users": "2592",
      "counts": "5672"
    "click": {
      "users": "1101",
      "counts": "3572"
    "form_start": {
      "users": "794",
      "counts": "3044"
    "form_submit": {
      "users": "172",
      "counts": "483"
  "users": { //Analyze users information
    "countries": {
      "VN": "1386",
      "US": "308"
    "cities": {
      "Hanoi": "426",
      "Ho Chi Minh City": "302"
    "gender": {
      "male": "653",
      "female": "199",
      "unknown": "1928"
    "ages": {
      "unknown": "1995",
      "18-24": "523",
      "25-34": "169",
      "35-44": "75",
      "45-54": "34",
      "55-64": 0,
      "65+": 0
    "languages": {
      "English": "1328",
      "Vietnamese": "905"
    "favorites": {
      "Technology/Technophiles": "533",
      "Technology/Mobile Enthusiasts": "372"
    "channels": {
      "Direct": "1895",
      "Organic Search": "715",
      "Organic Video": "493",
      "Referral": "156",
      "Organic Social": "105",
      "Paid Search": "71",
      "Unassigned": "57"
    "devices": {
      "types": {
        "desktop": "2001",
        "mobile": "717"
      "brands": {
        "Google": "1465",
        "Apple": "562"
      "names": {
        "Galaxy S23 Ultra": "13",
        "Galaxy S9+": "8"
      "models": {
        "Chrome": "1377",
        "iPhone": "314"
      "os": {
        "Windows": "1775",
        "iOS": "374"
      "versions": {
        "Windows 10": "1301",
        "Windows 11": "430"
      "browsers": {
        "Chrome": "1955",
        "Safari": "248"
  "interaction": { //Analyze user actions
    "average": {
      "session": 1.973175548315205,
      "event": 21.525577711803326
    "active": {
      "2024-05-13": "75",
      "2024-05-12": "71",
      "2024-05-11": "60",
      "2024-01-31": "14",
      "2024-01-30": "9",
      "2024-01-29": "4"
    "sources": {
      "(direct)": "2951",
      "": "584",
      "google": "559",
      "": "69"
    "pages": {
      "": 1511,
      "": 1029,
      "": 926
    "referrers": {
      "": 2004,
      "": 996,
      "": 543,
      "": 466
    "dau-mau": {
      "2024-05-13": "0.4625",
      "2024-05-12": "0.4",
      "2024-05-11": "0.2937062937062937",
      "2024-01-31": "0.017902813299232736",
      "2024-01-30": "0.012676056338028169",
      "2024-01-29": "0.012539184952978056"
    "dau-wau": {
      "2024-05-13": "1",
      "2024-05-12": "0.4625",
      "2024-05-11": "0.37777777777777777",
      "2024-01-31": "0.085271317829457363",
      "2024-01-30": "0.085271317829457363",
      "2024-01-29": "0.027777777777777776"
    "wau-mau": {
      "2024-05-13": "1",
      "2024-05-12": "1",
      "2024-05-11": "1",
      "2024-01-31": "0.16624040920716113",
      "2024-01-30": "0.13988095238095238",
      "2024-01-29": "0.13877551020408163"
  "retention-rate": { //Calculate retention rate of users
    "new": "2592",
    "returning": "653",
    "evolution": {
      "2024-05-13": "235",
      "2024-05-12": "210",
      "2024-05-11": "193",
      "2024-01-31": "186",
      "2024-01-30": "180",
      "2024-01-29": "172"
    "engagement": {
      "2024-05-13": "0.78125",
      "2024-05-12": "0.77611940298507465",
      "2024-05-11": "0.775",
      "2024-05-10": "0.77419354838709675",
      "2024-01-31": "0.40196078431372551",
      "2024-01-30": "0.34482758620689657",
      "2024-01-29": "0.33333333333333331"
  "business": { //Analyze user actions on products by 4 steps view -> add to card -> purchase -> get revenue
    "products": {
      "viewed": {
        "Product 1": 10000,
        "Product 2": 9000,
        "Product 3": 800,
        "Product 4": 700
      "added": {
        "Product 1": 1000,
        "Product 2": 900,
        "Product 3": 800,
        "Product 4": 700
      "purchased": {
        "Product 1": 100,
        "Product 2": 90,
        "Product 3": 80
      "revenue": {
        "Product 1": 10,
        "Product 2": 9,
        "Product 3": 8
    "promotional": {
      "Promotion of Product 1": 500,
      "Promotion of Product 2": 400

And some demo charts:


php artisan google-analytic:crawl


Respect us in the Laravel Việt Nam


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email or use the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.